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Updates to the Nature Stock Image Library - look here to see what's new

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1st October 2024 - Photos of Golden Eagles and eyries taken by CE Palmar, mostly in Argyllshire edited and uploaded by Anna Treder to the page for CEP - Photos of Golden Eagles by Charles Eric Palmar

16th September 2024 - Photos of a Great Spotted Woodpecker in Milngavie taken, edited and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson to the page for East Dunbartonshire, Milngavie and Bearsden

16th September 2024 - Photos of Harlequin Ladybird larvae and Broad-leaved Helleborine taken in Glasgow edited and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson to the page for Glasgow - Malls Mire and Richmond Park and Harlequin Ladybird larvae uploaded to Glasgow - Kelvindale and Glasgow - Broomhill, Jordanhill, Claythorn and Bingham's Pond

16th September 2024 - Photos of a Dark Green Fritillary, Small Heath and Northern Brown Argus butterflies and plants taken near Grantown-on-Spey, Speyside edited and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson to the page for Grantown on Spey and Lochindorb

12th September 2024 - Photos of birds on Tiree taken, edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for Tiree

5th September 2024 - Photos of a Scotch Argus butterfly and plants such as Common Cat's-ear, Twinflower, Creeping Lady's Tresses, Cranberry, Blaeberry (or Bilberry), Blue Sow-thistle and Cow-wheat taken near Grantown-on-Spey, Speyside edited and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson to the page for Grantown on Spey and Lochindorb

5th September 2024 - Photos of butterflies, moths and plants such as Tormentil, Common Vetch, Tufted Vetch and Melancholy Thistle taken near Nethybridge, Speyside edited and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson to the page for Nethybridge and Dulnain Bridge

5th September 2024 - Photos of a Yellowhammer, butterflies such as Small Tortoiseshell and Meadow Brown, moths such as 6-spot Burnet and plants such as Sticky Groundsel and Sea Aster taken at Spey Bay, Moray edited and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson to the page for Moray - Spey Bay

28th August 2024 - Photos of butterflies such as Pearl-bordered Fritillary, moths such as Silver Y, White-spotted Sable, Speckled Yellow and Brown Silver-line and plants such as Bugle and Creeping Buttercup with Micropterix calthella moths on it, taken at Glasdrum, Argyllshire edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for Glasdrum

28th August 2024 - Photos of Dog Violets, Whinchat, Chickweed Wintergreen, and scenery taken at Loch Arkaig edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for Allt Mhuic Loch Arkaig

27th August 2024 - Photos of pollinating insects such as Furry Drone Fly, Thick-legged Hoverfly, Red-tailed Bumblebee, Common Carder Bumblebee, Tapered Drone Fly and an immature Woodpigeon taken in a Glasgow garden edited and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson to the page for Glasgow - Kelvindale

21st August 2024 - a newly redesigned Geology gallery including a geological column of eras and periods and links to geological features created and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson

19th August 2024 - Superb photos of Gannets taken, edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for the Bass Rock

19th August 2024 - Photos of plants, butterflies, and moths edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for Spey Bay

19th August 2024 - Photo of a Scotch Argus butterfly edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for Grantown on Spey and Lochindorb

19th August 2024 - Photos of birds in north Kintyre taken, edited and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for Kintyre

19th August 2024 - Photos of birds on Gigha taken, edited and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for Gigha

14th August 2024 - Photos of birds on Great Cumbrae including Shelduck, Greylag Geese and Common Gull edited by Jasmine Dickson and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for Great Cumbrae

14th August 2024 - Photos of the new flood protection scheme under construction in Millport edited by Jasmine Dickson and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for Millport

6th August 2024 - Photos of plants and insects such as a Greenbottle, Common Flower Fly, and Green-veined White butterfly taken on Broomhill Allotments, Glasgow edited and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson to the page for Glasgow - Broomhill, Jordanhill, Claythorn and Bingham's Pond

31st July 2024 - Photos of plants and insects taken on Great Cumbrae, such as Bladder Campion, Silverweed, Cinnabar Moth, and Red-legged Shieldbug, edited and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson to the page for Great Cumbrae, Firth of Clyde

31st July 2024 - Photos of plants and fungi taken in Geilsland Estate, such as Dawn Redwood, Horse Chestnut, Rhododendron Blight, and Candlesnuff, edited and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson to the page for Ayrshire

28th July 2024 - Photos of flowers and insects taken in Kelvingrove Park, such as
Ragged Robin,
Oxeye Daisy,
Azure Damselfly,
Buff-tailed Bumblebee,
Common Carder Bumblebee,
Harlequin Ladybird,
Red Soldier Beetle and
Common Wasp
edited and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for Glasgow - Botanic Gardens, Hillhead, Kelvinbridge and Kelvingrove

28th July 2024 - Photos of water birds such as
Tufted Duck,
Lesser Black-backed Gull,
at Bingham's Pond taken, edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for Glasgow - Broomhill, Jordanhill, Claythorn and Bingham's Pond

28th July 2024 - Photos taken at RSPB Loch Lomond of Red Velvet Mite,
Pink-footed Geese,
Fallow Deer tree damage,
Tree Pipits,
The effects of Beavers,
edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for RSPB Loch Lomond

28th July 2024 - Photos of moths at Insh Marshes including:
Light Emerald,
Iron Prominent,
Pebble Prominent,
Brown-line Bright-eye,
Green Arches,
Six-striped Rustic,
Coxcomb Prominent,
Lesser Swallow Prominent and
Swallow Prominent
edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for Speyside near Aviemore and Newtonmore

9th June 2024 - Photos of European Garden Spiders' nests in Kelvindale edited and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson to the page for Glasgow - Kelvindale

12th May 2024 - Photos of Whinchat, Chickweed Wintergreen and Common Dog Violet at Loch Arkaig edited and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson to the page for Allt Mhuic - Loch Arkaig

12th May 2024 - Photos of Sedge Warbler , Little Egret and Garden Warbler at Low Barns Nature Reserve in County Durham edited and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson to the page for Northumbria and Durham

12th May 2024 - Sections of Garden Warbler and Sedge Warbler added to the Passerines gallery by Jasmine Dickson

13th April 2024 - Photos of a Bittern taken by Charles Eric Palmar at Hickling Broad, Norfolk edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for Norfolk

10th April 2024 - Photos of a Pochard at RSPB Saltholme edited and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson to the page for Northumbria and Durham

6th April 2024 - Photos of Turtle Dove, Sedge Warbler, Reed Warbler at RSPB Otmoor edited and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for Oxfordshire and Berkshire

6th April 2024 - Photos of Purple Loosestrife, Buff-tailed Bumblebee, Bearded Tit, Avocet, Turtle Dove, Black-winged Stilt, Ruff, Moorhen, Speckled Wood butterfly, Eurasian Crane, East African Crowned Crane, Manchurian Crane at Pensthorpe, Norfolk edited and uploaded by Lauren Thirrouez to the page for Norfolk

4th April 2024 - Photos of waders and waterfowl at North Bay, Ardmore edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for Ardmore, Helensburgh, Garelochhead and Rosneath

25th March 2024 - Photos of waders and ducks at Ballochmartin Bay edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for Great Cumbrae, Firth of Clyde

19th March 2024 - Photos of birds in a Glasgow garden such as a Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) and Dunnock (Prunella modularis) edited and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson to the page for Kelvindale

11th March 2024 - Photos taken by CE Palmar of plants such as Greater Butterfly Orchid (Platanthera chlorantha), Sea Aster (Aster tripolium) and Wild Cherry (Prunus avium), an Emperor Moth (Saturnia pavonia) and a Common Gull (Larus canus) nest with eggs uploaded by Anna Treder to the page for CEP - Loch Gair

11th March 2024 - Photos taken by CE Palmar of plants such as Marsh Marigolds (Caltha palustris) Lesser Celandines (Ranunculus ficaria), a Scotch Argus (Erebia aethiops) butterfly and nests of birds in Argyllshire such as Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) and Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula) edited and uploaded by Anna Treder to the page for CEP - Argyllshire

21st February 2024 - Photos of Great Spotted Woodpecker, Mute Swan, Little Grebe, Collared Dove and Goldeneye edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for RSPB Loch Spynie.

14th February 2024 - Panoramic photo of the flooded Spey valley edited and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for Nethybridge and Dulnain Bridge.

12th February 2024 - Photos of Crested Tits, Coal Tits and Long-tailed Tits, and a Great Spotted Woodpecker on or near feeders in the forest east of Lossiemouth, Herring Gulls on the River Lossie at Lossiemouth and even an RAF Typhoon edited and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson to the page for Lossiemouth.

4th February 2024 - Photos of Peregrine Falcon ringing and the SWT Peregrine watch point taken at the Falls of Clyde SWT Reserve in May 2003 edited and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for Falls of Clyde birds and animals.

25th January 2024 - Photo of a Cormorant taken on the Forth and Clyde Canal edited and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for Glasgow - North (Ruchill, Hamiltonhill, Forth and Clyde Canal Glasgow Branch).

25th January 2024 - Photo of a Grey Wagtail taken at Bingham's Pond edited and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for Glasgow - Broomhill, Jordanhill Claythorn and Bingham's Pond.

5th January 2024 - Photos of birds such as Great Black-backed Gull, Little Egret, Redshank, and Bar-tailed Godwit taken at Ardmore Point edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for Ardmore, Helensburgh, Garelochhead and Rosneath.

5th January 2024 - Photos of birds such as Common Gull and Goosander at Bingham's Pond, Glasgow edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for Glasgow - Broomhill, Jordanhill Claythorn and Bingham's Pond.

5th January 2024 - Photos of plants such as Perennial Sow-thistle and Sea Mayweed at Kames Bay, Millport edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for Millport Firth of Clyde.

29th December 2023 - Photos of Pitlochry Dam a Bullfinch, Hair ice and Ben Vrackie taken near Black Spout Wood, Pitlochry edited and uploaded by David Palmar to a new page for Pitlochry.

29th December 2023 - Photos of Black-headed Gulls including one with a colour ring and a Robin taken at Bingham's Pond, Glasgow edited and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for Glasgow - Broomhill, Jordanhill, Claythorn and Bingham's Pond.

28th December 2023 - Photos taken from a walk along the Campsie Dene Road, Blanefield, of scenery such as the volcanic plugs of Dumgoyne and Dumfoyn, Park Hill and Dumgoyach, the 19th century infrastructure of Glasgow Corporation Water Works, Hazel catkins, Alder catkins and Old Man's Beard lichen edited and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for the Campsie and Fintry Hills.

21st December 2023 - Photos taken from PS Waverley en route from Glasgow to Oban, of a Coastguard helicopter landing a winchman on PS Waverley's deck edited and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for Arran.

21st December 2023 - Photos taken from PS Waverley en route from Glasgow to Oban, mainly of CalMac ferries in the Sound of Gigha and West Loch Tarbert edited and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for Gigha and the Sound of Gigha.

19th December 2023 - Photos taken from PS Waverley en route from Glasgow to Oban, mainly of the slate islands of Fladda, Belnahua, Luing and Seil, edited and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for Firth of Lorn.

18th December 2023 - Photos of Preston Mill, plants such as Hedgerow Crane's-Bill, Great Willowherb and Common Mallow, as well as butterfies including Comma and Holly Blue in East Linton edited and uploaded by Jasmine Dickson to the page for East Lothian.

9th December 2023 - Photos of moths at Insh Marshes RSPB Reserve edited and uploaded by Gemma Woodford to the page for Speyside near Aviemore and Newtonmore.

9th December 2023 - Photos of the Mull of Kintyre including the lighthouse, Gannets and Largiebaan SWT Nature Reserve edited and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for PS Waverley round the Mull of Kintyre.

9th December 2023 - Photos of plants such as Purple Loosestrife, Marsh Woundwort, Common Ragwort, Red Bistort, Parsley Water-dropwort, Knotted Pearlwort, Seaside Centaury, Burnet Saxifrage, Goldenrod, Bloody Cranesbill, Sea Buckthorn, Sea Mayweed, White Campion, Wild Carrot, Sea Radish, Dandelion, Perennial Sow-thistle and Harebell, and insects such as Peacock butterfly, Green-veined White, Green Dock Beetles and Grayling butterfly near Portencross edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for West Kilbride and Portencross.

9th December 2023 - Photos of plants and insects near Grantown edited and uploaded to the page for Grantown-on-Spey and Lochindorb.

9th December 2023 - Photos of plants and insects on Speyside edited and uploaded to the page for Nethybridge and Dulnain Bridge by David Palmar.

9th December 2023 - Photos of plants such as Perennial Sow-thistle, Lavender and Spear Thistle, insects such as Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Green-veined White, Small Tortoiseshell and 6-spot Burnet Moth, and Osprey and Arctic Tern in July 2023 edited by Gemma Woodford and uploaded to the page for Spey Bay by David Palmar.

5th December 2023 - Photos of Port Glasgow, Greenock and ships Doon the Watter on a trip on PS Waverley in May 2023 edited and uploaded to the page for Inverclyde by David Palmar.

4th December 2023 - Photos taken on a trip Doon the Watter on PS Waverley in May 2023 including riverside installations, industry and ships edited and uploaded to a new page for Doon the Watter Glasgow to Bowling 2023 by David Palmar.

27th November 2023 - Photos of Greylag Geese and Black-winged Stilt at Potteric Carr Nature Reserve edited and uploaded to the page for South Yorkshire by David Palmar.

27th November 2023 - A photo of a Pill Millipede, and several photos of plants such as Herb Paris, Common Twayblade, Dog's Mercury, Cowslips, a Fly Orchid, Sanicle and Yellow Archangel at Warburg Nature Reserve edited and uploaded to the page for Oxfordshire and Berkshire by David Palmar.

27th November 2023 - Photos of Meadow Buttercup, Jelly-ear Fungus, birds such as Yellowhammer and Whitethroat, and insects such as Holly Blue butterfly, Dock Bug, Sloe or Hairy Shieldbug, Scarlet Tiger moth at Cholsey edited and uploaded to the page for Oxfordshire and Berkshire by David Palmar.

27th November 2023 - Photos of Osprey as well as invertebrates such as Green-veined White butterfly, Ringlet butterfly, Small Tortoiseshell butterfly, Burnet Moth
and plants Lavender and Perennial Sow-thistle taken at Spey Bay edited and uploaded to the page for Elgin and Moray by Gemma Woodford.

20th November 2023 - Photos from a moth trapping session as part of the Scottish Entomologists' Gathering at Dundreggan edited and uploaded to the page for Dundreggan moth traps by Gemma Woodford.
Moths photographed include amongst many others: Garden Tiger moth, Beautiful Brocade moth, Green Arches moth and Drinker moth.

20th November 2023 - Several photos of native plants such as Juniper, Aspen and Twinflower in the tree nursery and on the Juniper Walk at the Trees for Life Rewilding Centre at Dundreggan in Invernessshire edited and uploaded to the page for Dundreggan Rewilding Centre by David Palmar.

7th November 2023 - Photos of Twinflower, Chickweed Wintergreen, and Creeping Lady's Tresses, near Grantown-on-Spey uploaded to the page for Grantown-on-Spey and Lochindorb by Jasmine Dickson.

1st November 2023 - Photos of birds at Linlithgow Loch -
Mute Swan, Goosander, Robin, Grey Heron, Cormorant and Black-headed Gull
uploaded to the page for Linlithgow and Beecraigs by David Palmar.

1st November 2023 - Photos of the Allt Mhuic butterfly reserve at Loch Arkaig uploaded to a new page for Allt Mhuic Butterfly Reserve, Loch Arklet by David Palmar.
Included in this upload are photos of invertebrates such as:
Four-spotted Chaser Dragonfly, Green Tiger Beetles mating, Brown Silver-line moth, Chequered Skipper butterfly
and plants such as:
Thyme, Bird's Foot Trefoil, Heath Milkwort, Butterwort and Chickweed Wintergreen.

1st November 2023 - Photos of the Nevis Range and Ben Nevis uploaded to the page for Fort William and Lochaber by David Palmar.

1st November 2023 - Photos of the Strathspey Railway including images of Ivatt steam engine 46512, as well as Tansy at Boat of Garten taken by David Palmar. Photos edited and uploaded by Gemma Woodford to the page for Speyside near Aviemore and Newtonmore

30th October 2023 - Photos of plants and Common Blue butterfly around Nethybridge taken by David Palmar. Photos edited and uploaded by Gemma Woodford to the page for Nethybridge and Dulnain Bridge

25th October 2023 - Photos of Dog Violet, Bugle and Dor Beetle and day-flying moths - Brown Silver-line, Speckled Yellow and Clouded Border and Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary butterflies at Glasdrum edited and uploaded to the page for Glasdrum by David Palmar.

25th October 2023 - Photos of Chequered Skipper butterflies at Glasdrum edited and uploaded to the page for Glasdrum by David Palmar.

22nd October 2023 - Photos of birds at Caerlaverock WWT Reserve including Pied Wagtail, House and Tree Sparrows, Jackdaw, Greenfinch and Shoveler edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for Solway and Caerlaverock

22nd October 2023 - Photos of Northern Brown Argus butterflies near Grantown-on-Spey edited and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for Grantown on Spey and Lochindorb

19 October 2023 - Photos of a Common Lizard and Small heath butterfly at Grantown East edited and uploaded by Gemma Woodford to the page for Grantown on Spey and Lochindorb

19 October 2023 - Photos of Exmoor ponies, Jaw Reservoir and various plants and insects at Cochno edited by David Palmar and uploaded by Gemma Woodford to the page for West Dunbartonshire and Clydebank

16 October 2023 - Photos of plants including Black Medick, Red Clover, Prickly Sowthistle and insect larvae at Hamiltonhill Claypits edited and uploaded by Gemma Woodford to the page for Glasgow - North (Ruchill, Hamiltonhill, Forth and Clyde Canal Glasgow Branch)

14 October 2023 - Photos of birds at WWT Caerlaverock edited and uploaded to the page for Solway and Caerlaverock by David Palmar.

14 October 2023 - Photos of a pair of Common Toads in amplexus at Eskrigg reserve edited and uploaded to the page for Lockerbie by Rebecca Dickson.

14 October 2023 - Photos of Moths at Glasdrum edited and uploaded to the page for Glasdrum by Rebecca Dickson.

14 October 2023 - Photos of Lesser Celandines and Ayrshire cows being milked at Kittochside edited and uploaded to the page for Lanarkshire by Rebecca Dickson.

27 September 2023 - Photos of plants such as Twinflower and Common Cow-wheat, as well as Grasshoppers and 6-Spot Burnet Moth edited and uploaded to the page for RSPB Loch Garten and Nethybridge by Jasmine Dickson.

27 September 2023 - Photos of Willow Warbler, Whitethroat, Sand Martin nest holes, Orange Tip butterfly and river bank erosion edited and uploaded to the page for RSPB Baron's Haugh by Jasmine Dickson.

14 August 2023 - Dozens of photos of plants identified by BSBI recorder Michael Philip in June and July 2023 edited and uploaded to the page for RSPB Loch Lomond by Jasmine Dickson.

11 August 2023 - photos of Lesser Hornet Hoverfly and Ruby-tailed Wasp in Glasgow edited and uploaded to the page for Kelvindale by Emma Plant.

7 August 2023 - 6 photos of Eurasian Teal, Shelduck and a Peregrine Falcon at Kinneil edited and uploaded to the page for Bo'ness and Kinneil by Jasmine Dickson.

18 July 2023 - 48 more pictures of plants, Chicken of the Woods fungus and a Common Frog at RSPB Loch Lomond edited and uploaded to the page for RSPB Loch Lomond by Jasmine Dickson.

13 July 2023 - Pictures of Bugle and Yellow Pimpernel in Glasdrum edited and uploaded to the page for Glasdrum National Nature Reserve, Argyllshire by Ilaria Lonero.

13 July 2023 - A picture of a Common Carder Bumblebee, in Glasgow edited and uploaded to the page for Kelvindale, Glasgow by David Palmar.

3 July 2023 - Pictures of more plants at RSPB Loch Lomond identified by botanical recorder Michael Philip, and edited and uploaded to the page for RSPB Loch Lomond by Jasmine Dickson.

3 July 2023 - Pictures of plants including Broom, wetland plants and birds such as Osprey and Sedge Warbler, edited and uploaded to the page for RSPB Loch Lomond by David Palmar.

19 June 2023 - Pictures of Beavers and Beaver signs at Barrandaimh, Argyllshire, edited and uploaded to the page for North Knapdale by Rebecca Dickson.

19 June 2023 - Pictures of Swifts at Cholsey, Oxfordshire edited and uploaded to the page for Oxfordshire and Berkshire by Rebecca Dickson.

13 June 2023 - Improved descriptions of Finches and Flycatchers created by Ilaria Lonero have been added to the pages which can be found by clicking on the index pictures of most of the Finches in the Passerines Gallery, for example Pied Flycatcher, Spotted Flycatcher, Redstart, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Brambling, Bullfinch, Linnet, Goldfinch, Crossbill, Twite, Siskin and Redpoll.

4 June 2023 - Pictures of Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary butterflies at RSPB Loch Lomond edited and uploaded by Lauren Thirrouez to the page for RSPB Loch Lomond.

4 June 2023 - Pictures of butterflies at Glasdrum National Nature Reserve, Appin, edited and uploaded by Lauren Thirrouez to the page for Glasdrum, including Chequered Skipper and Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary

12 April 2023 - Pictures from an SOC outing to the Solway edited and uploaded by Anna Treder to the page for Mersehead, including
Scaup at Carsethorn,
and at RSPB Mersehead a view to the Robin Rigg windfarm, and to the Isle of Man,
Barnacle Geese, Chiffchaff and Pied Wagtail

4 April 2023 - Pictures of a Wren at Overtoun Glen uploaded by Anna Treder to the page for West Dunbartonshire and Clydebank.

11 March 2023 - Pictures of plants such as Dove's Foot Cranesbill, Red Dead Nettle, Stinging Nettle and Cowslip and birds such as Linnet, Mistle Thrush and Red Kite near Cholsey, Oxfordshire edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for Oxfordshire and Berkshire.

6 February 2023 - Pictures of fish at the Macduff Marine Aquarium uploaded by Heidi Campbell to a new page for Macduff Marine Aquarium.

6 February 2023 - Pictures of Teal at Kinneil uploaded by Heidi Campbell to the page for Bo'ness and Kinneil.

24 January 2023 - Pictures of Bumblebees in Glasgow edited and uploaded by Anna Treder to the page for Kelvindale, Glasgow.

20 January 2023 - Pictures of a Kingfisher in East Kilbride edited and uploaded by David Palmar to a new page for East Kilbride.

20 January 2023 - Pictures of Goosanders on the Forth and Clyde Canal edited and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for Glasgow - Kelvin Walkway, Forth and Clyde Canal, Dawsholm and Garscube.

16 January 2023 - Pictures of Redshanks and Grey Plovers at Ardmore Point edited by Anna Treder and uploaded by David Palmar to the page for Ardmore, Helensburgh Rosneath and Garelochhead.

15 January 2023 - Pictures of Green Hellebore, Dunnock, Pheasant and Peacock and Brimstone butterflies edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to the page for Oxfordshire and Berkshire.

13 January 2023 - Pictures of Mute Swans, a Herring Gull and a Biohaven - a floating roosting and/or breeding platform at Hogganfield Loch edited and uploaded by Anna Treder to the page for Glasgow - Hogganfield Loch.

18 December 2022 - Pictures of A Common and Grey Seal colony, Long-tailed Ducks, Common Scoter, Velvet Scoter and Burghead edited by Anna Treder and David Palmar uploaded to the page for Findhorn and Burghead.

16 December 2022 - Pictures of Insh Marshes RSPB nature reserve edited by Anna Treder uploaded to the page for Speyside near Aviemore and Newtonmore.

15 December 2022 - Pictures of House Sparrows and a Greenfinch edited and uploaded by Anna Treder to a new page for Cromdale in Speyside.

16 November 2022 - a composite picture showing the development of a total eclipse of the moon uploaded to the page for Millport

16 October 2022 - pictures of a Reed Bunting, Curlew flock, female Goldeneye, Cormorants and Common Reeds at Loch Spynie RSPB Reserve, Moray, edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson to a new page for RSPB Loch Spynie

11 October 2022 - pictures of Corra Linn and Dundaff Linn waterfalls, Beech and Maple trees, and Giant Polypore at the Falls of Clyde edited and uploaded by Anna Treder to the page for Falls of Clyde

10 October 2022 - pictures of Marsh Harrier and a record shot of a Spotted Redshank at RSPB Leighton Moss edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson uploaded to the page for Lancashire

09 October 2022 - pictures of Little Egret, Goosander, Greenfinch and Little Grebe edited and uploaded by Rebecca Dickson uploaded to a new page for Cowal and Holy Loch

04 October 2022 - pictures of butterflies such as Small White and Red Admiral, 7 Spot Ladybird, Tapered Drone Fly, and Green Alkanet edited and uploaded by Anna Treder to the page for Broomhill Jordanhill, Claythorn and Bingham's Pond

27 September 2022 - New "About" page translated into Polish by Anna Treder.

27 August 2022 - pictures taken on the recent Argyll Bird Club outing to Inver Jura, can be seen on the page for the Islay Ferry and on the page for Jura.

10 August 2022 - pictures taken on a GNHS excursion to RSPB Loch Lomond of:
PLANTS - Bird Cherry, Marsh Marigolds, Globe Flowers, Gypsywort, Water Horsetail, Cowbane, Tufted Loosestrife, Germander Speedwell and Bugle
FUNGI - Eyelash Fungus
INSECTS - Cinnabar Moth, Common Carpet Moth, Orange-tip Butterfly eggs, Common Mayfly, Click Beetle, Soldier Beetle, Long-palped Cranefly, Azure Damselfly, Scorpion Fly, Leucoptera spartifoliella moth cocoon
ARACHNIDS - Spider and a Red Velvet Mite and
BIRDS - Tree Pipit, Lesser Redpoll, Chaffinch and Siskin uploaded to the page for RSPB Loch Lomond

7 August 2022 - pictures taken on a GNHS excursion to Castlemilk Park, Glasgow of:
PLANTS - Bluebells, Wild Garlic, Wood Stitchwort, Thyme-leaved Speedwell, Wood Speedwell, Pick-a-Back Plant, Sanicle, Mouse-ear Cress or Thale Cress, Shepherd's Purse, and Common Vetch,
FUNGI - Brittle Cinders and St George's Mushroom
INSECTS - St Mark's Fly, Yellow-haired Sun Fly, Brimstone Moth caterpillar, Cream-spot Ladybird, Beetles (Oedemera lurida) on Lady's Smock
and a Brown-lipped Snail uploaded to a new page for Castlemilk Park in Glasgow.

28 June 2022 - pictures of moths - Flame Carpet, White Ermine, Broom Moth, Red-necked Footman, Wood Tiger and Elephant Hawk Moth, butterflies - Large Heath, Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary and Common Blue, and plants - Bog Asphodel, Hare's Tail Cotton Grass, Cross-leaved Heath and Stinging Nettle added to a new page for Leadburn Community Woodland in the Borders.

25 June 2022 - New page - A journey to England in our electric car - April 2022

22 June 2022 - Pictures of Yellow Water Lilies and Common Wintergreen uploaded to the page for Lochwinnoch

20 June 2022 - Several pictures Common Lizards and birds such as Common Sandpiper, Greenfinch and the nest of an Oystercatcher uploaded to the page for Great Cumbrae

28 February 2022 - Several pictures taken on the SOC outing to Drumpellier, especially Black-headed Gulls uploaded to the page for Seven Lochs and Moodiesburn

20 February 2022 - updates on the experience with our electric car added to the information page about driving an electric car in Scotland in summer and in winter.

18 February 2022 - Several pictures of RSPB Loch Lomond nature reserve (mainly scenery such as the River Endrick but also Whooper Swans and Canada Geese) uploaded to the page for RSPB Loch Lomond

22 January 2022 - New information page about our latest experience with driving an electric car to England in winter

31 December 2021 - pictures of Teal, Wigeon , Robin, Dunnock, Blackbird, Starling, Grey Wagtail and Small Copper and Peacock butterflies added to the page for Ardmore, Helensburgh, Garelochhead and Rosneath

30 December 2021 - pictures of a male Bullfinch and a male Brambling added to the page for Ardmore, Helensburgh, Garelochhead and Rosneath

30 December 2021 - updates on the experience with our electric car added to the information page for owning and running an electric car.

20 December 2021 - pictures of many plants in the sand dunes added to a new page for St Cyrus National Nature Reserve

13 December 2021 - pictures of a Bank Vole, Nuthatch, Cormorants and the new wader scrapes added to the page for Lochwinnoch

11 December 2021 - pictures of the Erskine Bridge over the River Clyde added to a new page for Erskine Bridge and Erskine Harbour

25 November 2021 - pictures of Butterfly Conservation volunteers, at Dun Dubh Wood, Aberfoyle cutting and burning invasive non-native Rhododendron ponticum to restore the habitat of Blaeberry for the rare Beautiful Snout moth added to the page for Aberfoyle

25 November 2021 - pictures of lichens, fungi, Purple Moor Grass and Birch trees taken on the Scottish Wildlife Trust's Loch Ardinning nature reserve added to the page for Mugdock and Loch Ardinning

24 November 2021 - pictures of the construction of the new Stockingfield Bridge over the Forth and Clyde Canal added to the page for Glasgow North

18 November 2021 - Several pictures of Loch Lomond and the Cashel Native Forest added to the page for East Loch Lomond

5 November 2021 - Several pictures of bog management works and conservation volunteering at Flanders Moss NNR added to the page for Flanders Moss

21 October 2021 - Several pictures of installing underfloor insulation added to the page for Kelvindale

19 October 2021 - Several pictures of a Nature.Scot conservation task removing tree tubes from a wood planted a few years ago, Ash dieback, Sneezewort, a Four-spotted Orb-weaver Spider, Purple Moor Grass and panoramas of the moss and boardwalk at Blawhorn Moss NNR (National Nature Reserve) added to a new page for Blawhorn Moss in West Lothian.

19 October 2021 - A few pictures of birds seen on the recent SOC excursion to Ardmore including Curlew, Oystercatcher, Red-throated Diver and Eider ducks added to the page for Ardmore, Helensburgh, Garelochhead and Rosneath.

18 October 2021 - New page - another journey to England in an electric car in October described in: Our electric car adventure October 2021

19 September 2021 - Pictures of birds being ringed added to the page for Hogganfield Loch, Glasgow.

6 September 2021 - Pictures of Arctic Terns, Puffins, Kittiwakes, and a juvenile Lesser Black-backed Gull (with its beak open showing anatomical adaptations to its diet) taken by Rebecca Dickson added to the page for the Isle of May.

19 August 2021 - Pictures of a Moorhen and Red Fox added to the page for the Glasgow - Kelvin Walkway, Forth and Clyde Canal, Dawsholm and Garscube.

8 August 2021 - Pictures of Dumgoyne and the Campsie Fells in the snow added to the page for Campsie and Fintry Hills. and of Ben Lomond in the snow seen from Glasgow added to the page for East Loch Lomond.

28 July 2021 - Pictures of Chickweed Wintergreen uploaded to the page for Nethybridge and Dulnain Bridge.

17 July 2021 - New page - a journey to England in an electric car Our electric car adventure July 2021

14 June 2021 - Pictures of scrub habitat, a Large Red Damselfly, a Drinker Moth Caterpillar and a Grasshopper Warbler in the hand uploaded to the page for Ardeer.

24 May 2021 - Pictures of a Dipper feeding its young, Grey Wagtail and Goosander brood on the Kelvin uploaded to the page for the Kelvin Walkway, Forth and Clyde Canal, Dawsholm and Garscube.

18 May 2021 - Pictures of a Sedge Warbler, Whitethroat, Mute Swan family, Red Campion, Bluebells and an Orange Tip butterfly taken by Rebecca Dickson uploaded to the page for Ardeer.

15 May 2021 - A picture of a Spotted Flycatcher taken by David Palmar and edited by Rebecca Dickson uploaded to the page for Nethybridge and Dulnain Bridge.

18 April 2021 - Pictures of a Bee Fly uploaded to the page for East Renfrewshire, a Grey Wagtail, an American Skunk-cabbage and a new Sand Martin wall uploaded to the page for Glasgow - Kelvin Walkway, Forth and Clyde Canal, Dawsholm and Garscube.

4 April 2021 - Pictures of a Chiffchaff, Blackthorn, Hawthorn, Peacock butterfly, Common Toad and Grey Heron at Possil Marsh, Glasgow taken by David Palmar uploaded to a new page for Possil Marsh.

31 March 2021 - Pictures of Common Cow-wheat, Creeping Lady's Tresses, Scentless Mayweed and Prickly Sowthistle at Dulnain Bridge, Speyside taken by David Palmar and edited by Rebecca Dickson uploaded to the page for Nethybridge and Dulnain Bridge.

29 March 2021 - Pictures of Blaeberry and the nest of a White-tailed Bumblebee at the Dell of Abernethy, Speyside taken by David Palmar uploaded to the page for Nethybridge.

11 March 2021 - Several pictures of Common Frogs in a Kelvindale garden taken by David Palmar in February and March 2021 uploaded to the page for Glasgow - Kelvindale, Kelvin Walkway, Forth and Clyde Canal, Dawsholm and Garscube.

5 March 2021 - Several pictures including Damselflies, Water Lilies taken by David Palmar on the Forth and Clyde Canal and Sycamore Gall Mite galls uploaded to the page for Glasgow - Kelvindale, Kelvin Walkway, Forth and Clyde Canal, Dawsholm and Garscube.

28 February 2021 - Several pictures of Red Squirrel, Pheasant and Wigeon taken by David Palmar and edited by Gemma Woodford uploaded to the page for Lossiemouth.

15 February 2021 - Two pictures of Roe Deer in Milngavie, taken by Rebecca Dickson uploaded to the page for East Dunbartonshire, Milngavie and Bearsden.

13 February 2021 - Several pictures including the dismantling of cranes at the Hunterston ore/coal terminal and housing in Fairlie with solar panels and a SUDS pond uploaded to the page for Largs, Fairlie, Hunterston and Portencross.

12 February 2021 - Several pictures of Curlew, Barnacle Geese and Teal taken by David Palmar at WWT Caerlaverock and edited by Gemma Woodford uploaded to the page for Solway and Caerlaverock.

9 February 2021 - 6 scanned historical pictures taken by David Palmar of the Hunterston iron ore terminal uploaded to the page for Largs Hunterston and Portencross, including general views of the iron ore terminal, the ore stockyard and the direct reduction plant.

9 February 2021 - 15 more scanned historical pictures of the steel industry uploaded to the page for Ravenscraig steelworks in the 1970s, including general views of Ravenscraig, pushing coke, blast furnace, power station, cooling towers and open hearth furnace.

30 January 2021 - Pictures of Ring-necked Parakeets including a pair at their nest hole in Dawsholm Park, and Ravens on the gas holder at Temple in Glasgow uploaded to the page for Glasgow - Kelvindale, Kelvin Walkway, Forth and Clyde Canal and Dawsholm Park.

27 January 2021 - 15 scanned historical pictures of the steel industry uploaded to the page for Ravenscraig steelworks in the 1970s, 3 pictures of Hallside, and single pictures of Clydebridge, Glengarnock and Gartcosh.

22 January 2021 - Pictures of a female Kingfisher on the River Kelvin in Glasgow uploaded to the page for Glasgow - Kelvindale, Kelvin Walkway, Forth and Clyde Canal and Dawsholm Park.

6 January 2021 - A picture of a female Kingfisher on the far bank of the River Kelvin in Glasgow by David Palmar and a picture of a male Kingfisher on the nearer bank taken by Rita Basto uploaded to the page for Glasgow - Kelvindale, Kelvin Walkway, Forth and Clyde Canal and Dawsholm Park.

4 January 2021 - Pictures of a Red-necked Grebe and a Grey Heron taken by David Palmar uploaded to the page for Hogganfield Loch.

2 January 2021 - Our experience with running an electric car in 2020.

2 January 2021 - Several pictures of plants along the cycleway at Milton, Dumbarton taken by David Palmar and edited by Gemma Woodford uploaded to the page for West Dunbartonshire and Clydebank.

The plants are:

31 December 2020 - Three pictures of the Red-necked Grebe taken by Rebecca Dickson and edited by Gemma Woodford uploaded to the page for Glasgow - Hogganfield Loch.

26 December 2020 - Several pictures of a Small Heath butterfly, and plants in late summer - Wild Carrot, Spear Thistle, Creeping Thistle, Tansy, Nettle-leaved Bellflower and Pedunculate Oak - and a conservation headland taken by David Palmar and edited by Rebecca Dickson uploaded to the page for Oxfordshire and Berkshire.

26 December 2020 - Several pictures of a Caddis Fly, a Common Wasp and various moths including Lesser Yellow Underwing, Large Yellow Underwing, Antler Moth, Marbled Carpet and Scalloped Oak in Glasgow taken by David Palmar uploaded to the page for Glasgow - Kelvindale, Kelvin Walkway, Forth and Clyde Canal and Dawsholm Park.

27 November 2020 - Picture of a Dipper in the River Kelvin, Glasgow by David Palmar uploaded to the page for Glasgow - Kelvindale, Kelvin Walkway, Forth and Clyde Canal and Dawsholm Park.

27 November 2020 - Pictures of Broad-leaved Helleborine in Broomhill, Glasgow by David Palmar uploaded to the page for Glasgow - Claythorn, Broomhill and Jordanhill.

26 November 2020 - Pictures of Water Voles during a translocation project in Glasgow, taken by Rebecca Dickson and edited by David Palmar uploaded to the page for Glasgow - Easterhouse.

25 November 2020 - Pictures of Bullfinch, Blue tit, Mistle thrush and Grey squirrel in Milngavie by Rebecca Dickson and edited by David Palmar uploaded to the page for East Dunbartonshire, Milngavie and Bearsden.

24 November 2020 - 10 pictures of Red Squirrels and passerines including Coal tit, Great spotted woodpecker, Goldcrest and Treecreeper taken at RSPB Loch Garten in January 2020 by David Palmar and edited by Gemma Woodford uploaded to the page for the Cairngorms National Park in Winter.

23 November 2020 - 9 pictures uploaded taken at Kinneil, Dalkeith and the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Prestonpans and Musselburgh by Claudia Caporusso.

12 November 2020 - Pictures taken on Dumyat, Stirlingshire, of Heath Speedwell, Germander Speedwell, and English Stonecrop, and scenery of the Stirling and Hillfoots area uploaded to a new page for Dumyat.

10 November 2020 - A picture of a male Bearded tit taken in the Tay reed beds, Perthshire, by Gemma Woodford uploaded to the page for the Tay Reed Beds.

7 November 2020 - 15 pictures taken in Ruchill Park, Glasgow, of plants such as Yellow Rattle, Sweet Woodruff, Yarrow and invertebrates such as 6-Spot Burnet Moth, Common Blue, Ringlet and Meadow Brown butterflies uploaded to the page for Glasgow North.

4 November 2020 - Over 50 pictures taken in Carrifran Wildwood, Moffat, of herbaceous plants such as

Rosebay Willowherb Black Knapweed Bog Asphodel Grass of Parnassus Devil's Bit Scabious Sneezewort Yarrow

trees such as

Blackthorn Guelder Rose Aspen Sessile Oak Hazel Juniper Ash including Ash Dieback

invertebrates such as

Small Tortoiseshell butterfly Green-Veined White butterfly Red Admiral Buff-tailed Bumblebee

and woodland and mountain scenery uploaded to a new page for Carrifran Wildwood, Moffat.

27 October 2020 - Half a dozen pictures taken by Gemma Woodford of Red Squirrels, Nuthatch and Robin uploaded to the page for Aberfoyle.

16 October 2020 - Over 100 pictures, mainly of plants and some insects in Kelvindale and by the River Kelvin along the walkway uploaded to the page for Glasgow - Kelvindale, Kelvin Walkway, Forth and Clyde Canal and Dawsholm Park.

Click on the links in the table to search for the plants uploaded as above, (and any others which match the search):

Dandelion Coltsfoot Primrose Wood Anemone Lesser Celandine Prickly Sowthistle
Giant Hogweed Japanese Knotweed White Butterbur Few-flowered Leek Spanish Bluebell Hybrid Bluebell
Elder Rowan or Mountain Ash Ash Common Hawthorn Gorse Broom
Cut-leaved Cranesbill Dame's Violet Burnet rose Japanese Rose Bistort Fringe Cups
Wood Avens Cow Parsley Garlic Mustard or Jack by the Hedge Common Bluebell Hart's Tongue Fern Wild Strawberry
Sticky Willy or Cleavers Field Forget-me-not Pineapple Weed Common Daisy Lily of the Valley Lucerne or Alfalfa

13 October 2020 - Several pictures of birds including Puffins and Arctic terns taken by Gemma Woodford uploaded to the page for the Isle of May.

20 August 2020 - Several pictures of Passerines at RSPB Loch Leven taken by Rebecca Dickson uploaded to a new page for Loch Leven, Perth and Kinross.

16 June 2020 - Several pictures of birds including Passerines and a Wood Mouse in Milngavie taken by Rebecca Dickson uploaded to the page for East Dunbartonshire.

12 June 2020 - A cute picture of a Goosander family on the River Kelvin taken by Pat Thomson uploaded to the page for Glasgow - Kelvindale, Kelvin Walkway, Forth and Clyde Canal and Dawsholm Park.

19 May 2020 - A cute picture of a Mute swan family on the Forth and Clyde Canal taken by Rita Basto uploaded to the page for Glasgow - Kelvindale, Kelvin Walkway, Forth and Clyde Canal and Dawsholm Park.

18 April 2020 - A cute picture of Red foxes asleep taken by Rita Basto uploaded to the page for Glasgow Botanic Gardens, Hillhead and Kelvinbridge.

12 April 2020 - Several pictures of spring plants along the Kelvin Walkway and Forth and Clyde Canal uploaded to a new page for the Kelvin Walkway and Forth and Clyde Canal.

9 April 2020 - Several scanned pictures mostly from the 1970s and 1980s of trips "Doon the Watter" uploaded to new pages for Doon the Watter scans - Firth of Clyde. and Doon the Watter scans - Clyde Tunnel to Erskine Bridge.

8 April 2020 - Several scanned pictures mostly from the 1970s and 1980s of trips "Doon the Watter" uploaded to a new page for Doon the Watter scans - Glasgow to Clyde Tunnel.

20 March 2020 - ALL EVENTS SUCH AS PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPS AND TALKS ARE NOW POSTPONED DUE TO THE CORONAVIRUS. It is hoped to re-run these when the situation allows.

18 March 2020 - Several pictures of Great crested grebes doing their head shaking and weed dance courtship and mating on 9th March 2020 uploaded to the page for Linlithgow Loch Great crested grebes.

3 March 2020 - Editing and uploading of most of the subpages of the Scenes gallery has now been now completed by Shona Jessiman. Just a few pictures to find and upload now, then the galleries will be complete.

2 March 2020 - Editing and uploading of the subpages of the Beasts gallery now completed by Shona Jessiman.

2 March 2020 - Several pictures of moths and a Kingfisher uploaded.

26 February 2020 - Pictures of wader nests in S. Harris by Shona Jessiman, edited and uploaded.

26 February 2020 - Editing and uploading of the Beasts gallery is now under way by Shona Jessiman.

26 February 2020 - Several pictures of nests, eggs and chicks, mainly of waders taken in South Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire as part of a research project by Stephen Inglis, edited and uploaded.

22 February 2020 - Over 40 pictures, mainly of plants and insects taken in various places in Scotland by Sarah Longrigg, edited and uploaded.

17 February 2020 - Editing and uploading of all the sub-pages of the Plants gallery has now been completed by Shona Jessiman.

22 January 2020 - Several pictures of plants including Dandelions near Uplawmoor edited and uploaded by Rita Basto to the page for East Renfrewshire.

17 January 2020 - Several pictures of wildlife in London, mainly at the WWT London Wetlands centre, including Bewick's swan uploaded by Ash-Lynn Tavener to a new page for London.

17 January 2020 - Several historical pictures of Govan Shipbuilders in 2002 and 2003 and of the demolition of Meadowside Granary, Glasgow in 2003 uploaded to the page for Glasgow Buildings and Scenery.

15 January 2020 - 25 more visual galleries of Plants edited with thumbnails and uploaded by Shona Jessiman. You can now click on any of the first 26 thumbnails and get a plant family thumbnail page to search for each plant species.

10 January 2020 - Several pictures of the Falls of Clyde, mainly scenery such as waterfalls and autumn colours, uploaded by Ash-Lynn Tavener to the page for Falls of Clyde.

8 January 2020 - Many pictures of Razorbills, Puffins and Shags, especially juvenile birds, taken by Claudia Caporusso on Craigleith, Firth of Forth uploaded to a new page for Craigleith.

3 January 2020 - About 40 pictures of Stronsay, Orkney, including some Sunsets, cliff scenery especially near the Vat of Kirbuster and Burgh Head, Bonxies, Skylark, Fulmars and a Painted Lady uploaded to a new page for Stronsay.

30 December 2019 - Pictures of Curlew, Snipe drumming, Fulmar, Meadow Pipit, Linnet, Northern Marsh Orchid, Angelica and cliff coastal scenery added to the page for Deerness and Tankerness, Orkney.

30 December 2019 - Pictures of a juvenile Grey heron and a Magpie in the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh taken by Claudia Caporusso uploaded to the page for Edinburgh.

30 December 2019 - A picture of a Robin in the hand taken by Claudia Caporusso uploaded to a new page for East Lothian.

18 December 2019 - New visual gallery of Plants previously created by Claudia Caporusso now edited with more thumbnail pictures and uploaded by Shona Jessiman

17 December 2019 - Several pictures of a Blackbird attacking a Slow worm uploaded to a new page for Morvern.

13 December 2019 - New visual gallery of Land animals edited and uploaded by Shona Jessiman

13 December 2019 - Information page about the output of the Solar Panels updated by David Palmar

6 December 2019 - New visual gallery of Butterflies created and uploaded by Shona Jessiman

1 December 2019 - New visual gallery of Bees created and uploaded by Ash-Lynn Tavener

2 November 2019 - Pictures of Coot, Ruddy duck, Dipper, and Little grebe uploaded by Ash-Lynn Tavener.

21 October 2019 - Pictures of Jackdaws, a Rookery and Threave Castle and Gardens uploaded to new pages for Threave Garden and Threave Castle and Nature Reserve, Dumfries and Galloway.

21 October 2019 - Several pictures of Peregrine falcons uploaded by Ash-Lynn Tavener to the page for the Falls of Clyde.

16 October 2019 - Pictures of common dolphin, Minke whale, and Harbour Porpoise uploaded to the page for Gairloch, Wester Ross.

16 October 2019 - Pictures of kayaking, a Cormorant, and a rainbow over Largs uploaded by Ash-Lynn Tavener to the page for Great Cumbrae, Firth of Clyde.

6 October 2019 - uploaded pictures of several Red Admiral butterflies to the page for Millport, Firth of Clyde.

6 October 2019 - pictures of Great Crested Grebes nesting uploaded by Ash-Lynn Tavener to the page for Loch of the Lowes SWT Reserve

5 October 2019 - pictures of passerines (Chaffinch, Pied wagtail, Treecreeper and Blackbird) and Black-headed gulls taken by Claudia Caporusso uploaded to the page for Speyside near Aviemore and Newtonmore.

15 September 2019 - pictures of Peregrine falcons uploaded by Ash-Lynn Tavener to the page for Falls of Clyde Birds and Animals.

7 September 2019 - several dozen pictures scanned from slides taken by Charles Eric Palmar edited and uploaded by Louise Smith.

30 August 2019 - several dozen pictures mainly of plants, several moths and common lizards of The Cashel bioblitz on 17 August edited and uploaded by Ash-Lynn Tavener to the page for Rowardennan and East Loch Lomond.

28 August 2019 - uploaded pictures of PS Waverley steaming through Kyle Rhea between Skye and Kintail to the page for Glenelg and Kylerhea.

4 July 2019 - new New visual aquatic animals gallery made by Claudia Caporusso

17 June 2019 - uploaded CE Palmar's pictures of Meadow cranesbill, Reverend Peter Youngson, Sulphur tuft fungus, Glasgow University, Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum Natural History staff (1983), Flowering quince, Horsetail, Oyster catcher egg and chick, Ben Lomond and Dumbarton, Scotch argus, Small pearl-bordered fritillary, Purple hairstreak and Green hairstreak butterflies, Shaggy cap fungi, Hooded crow nest, Cormorant chicks, Capercaillie, Buff tip moth and Peacock butterfly chrysalis.

13 June 2019 - uploaded pictures of a Little tern in flight over the island of Gunna

4 June 2019 - uploaded pictures taken by Claudia Caporusso of a Tree bumblebee, a Red-tailed bumblebee, a Common sandpiper and a Dipper in Dunblane

30 April 2019 - Louise Smith uploaded pictures taken by CE Palmar in the 20th century of Ballantine's Grain Distillery, Dumbarton, Kirkwall, Guillemots and Kittiwakes in Birsay, Sand Martins at Drymen, Whitebeams at Kelvingrove, Common Sandpiper's nest, New Zealand Cabbage tree on Arran, CEP at the summit of Cairngorm and on a CalMac ferry.

25 April 2019 - uploaded a picture of a Blue tit flying off with a Larch bud to the page for Mugdock Country Park.

25 April 2019 - uploaded pictures of Goosanders on Hogganfield Loch to the page for Glasgow's Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat. The Goosanders have probably left now to go to their breeding grounds, but we look forward to seeing them again next winter. Thanks to Hannah for editing and uploading the pictures!

3 April 2019 - uploaded pictures of colour-ringed Choughs on Islay to a new page for Ardnave, including information on colour rings provided by Sarah Fenn of Aberdeen University.

5 March 2019 - finished creating Birds Galleries - thanks to Claudia Caporusso for writing almost all the code in this section, and getting it all correct first time! You can now search for birds by clicking on pictures.

1 March 2019 - uploaded pictures of the unseasonably early crocuses at Broomhill to the page for Glasgow's Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat.

1 March 2019 - uploaded pictures taken near Dunkeld including Beaver dams and vegetation regeneration to the page for Perthshire.

25 February 2019 - uploaded pictures taken on a recent Scottish Wildlife Trust excursion to Boden Boo including Dunlin and Redshank to a new page for Renfrewshire.

22 February 2019 - uploaded pictures taken on a recent Argyll Bird Club excursion including Curlew and Whooper swans to the page for Bute.

19 February 2019 - uploaded pictures of RSPB's Skinflats managed realignment project and Pink-footed Geese to the page for Skinflats.

18 February 2019 - uploaded pictures of waders including Black-tailed Godwits at Kinneil to the page for Bo'ness and Kinneil.

12 February 2019 - uploaded pictures of the Garnock Floods including Canada Geese and a pair of romantic Bullfinches to the page for North Ayrshire.

8 February 2019 - uploaded pictures of the Garnock Floods including Little Egrets to the page for North Ayrshire.

2 February 2019 - uploaded pictures of a Coal tit, Long-tailed tit, a mixed Gull and Duck flock and Wigeon to the page for Lossiemouth.

1 February 2019 - uploaded pictures of a Goldcrest, Soldier beetles, a Grass moth and plants including Lady's bedstraw, Harebells and Juniper, (probably infected with Phytophthora sp.) to a new page for Nethybridge.

23 January 2019 - uploaded pictures of a sunset over Loch Feochan to the page for Oban.

23 January 2019 - uploaded a picture of Loch Etive and the Connel Bridge to the page for Connel and Loch Etive.

23 January 2019 - uploaded a picture of Easdale to the page for Seil.

22 January 2019 - uploaded pictures of Siskin, Ring-necked duck and Mandarin duck at the Cuilc, Pitlochry to the page for Perthshire.

21 January 2019 - uploaded pictures of a Stronend and the Fintry Hills in the snow, and the Meikle Bin in the snow from the Crow Road to the page for The Campsie Fells and Fintry Hills.

21 January 2019 - uploaded pictures of a Wood warbler and Yellow pimpernel at Ross Wood to the page for Loch Lomond.

21 January 2019 - uploaded pictures of ducks including Tufted duck, Goosander and a pair of Goldeneye displaying, swans, a heron and a robin at Hogganfield Loch to the page for Glasgow's Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat.

21 January 2019 - uploaded pictures of Ringed plover, Barn swallow, House sparrow, Stonechat, Wheatear, Sand lizard, Buff-tailed bumblebee, bluebells and the Hebridean Air Services Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander to the page for Southwest Coll.

6 January 2019 - uploaded pictures of PS Waverley and scenery of the Inner Hebrides such as Mull, Lunga, Canna, Muck, Rum and Eigg to a new page for PS Waverley in the Inner Hebrides.

6 January 2019 - uploaded pictures of Black guillemots, common seals, Great skua, boats and scenery to the page for Muck.

28 December 2018 - uploaded pictures of water birds - ducks, swans and coots - taken by Lorna Beattie to the page for Glasgow's wildlife and wildlife habitat.

15 December 2018 - uploaded pictures of the chalk cliffs of Bempton in the East Riding of Yorkshire taken by Lorna Beattie to a new page for East Riding of Yorkshire.

15 December 2018 - uploaded pictures of wildlife and scenery in North Yorkshire taken by Lorna Beattie to a new page for North Yorkshire.

5 December 2018 - uploaded pictures of Gannets to a new page for Troup Head.

11 November 2018 - uploaded pictures of Spring Squill, Shags, Little terns, Common gulls and an Arctic tern to a new page for Gunna.

8 November 2018 - uploaded pictures of Black guillemots and a fish farm support vessel to a new page for Muck.

8 November 2018 - uploaded pictures of Dipper, Mistle thrush and Redwing in Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow to the page for Glasgow wildlife and wildlife habitat.

31 October 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Claudia Caporusso of birds on Bingham's Pond, Glasgow to the page for Glasgow wildlife and wildlife habitat.

31 October 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Lorna Beattie of Herring gull and sheep to the page for Birsay, Orkney.

31 October 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Lorna Beattie of Goldeneye and Whooper swans to the page for Sandwick, Orkney.

31 October 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Lorna Beattie of coastal birds and scenery to the page for Yesnaby, Orkney.

31 October 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Lorna Beattie of wading birds and scenery to a new page for Scapa, Orkney.

31 October 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Lorna Beattie of coastal birds and scenery to a new page for Deerness, Orkney.

22 October 2018 - uploaded Bean geese pictures taken near Slamannan to Bean goose page.

10 October 2018 - uploaded Comma butterfly pictures and a Green-brindled Crescent moth picture taken at Battleby to Perthshire page.

10 October 2018 - uploaded new visual gallery of waders created by Claudia Caporusso to Waders Gallery page.

31 August 2018 - uploaded new visual gallery of passerines created by Claudia Caporusso to Passerines Gallery page.

30 August 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Lorna Beattie of Lochan Uaine and Red grouse to the page for Cairngorms in Summer.

30 August 2018 - uploaded pictures of the Sound of Islay and the Paps of Jura to the page for the Islay Ferry.

30 August 2018 - uploaded pictures around Feolin Ferry and Inver, Jura, including Small copper and Peacock butterflies, a Grasshopper and a Mute swan family with a white cygnet to the page for Jura.

19 August 2018 - uploaded new visual gallery of water fowl created by Claudia Caporusso to Water Fowl Gallery page.
This enables you to search for pictures of swans, ducks and geese by clicking on a picture of the species you're looking for.

14 August 2018 - uploaded pictures of mountain plants on Ben Lawers to the page for Lawers and Tarmachan.

14 August 2018 - uploaded pictures of Oyster plant in Shetland to the page for Eshaness and Hillswick.

14 August 2018 - uploaded pictures of plants in the Botanic Gardens, Glasgow to the page for Glasgow Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat.

5 August 2018 - uploaded pictures of pulling up invasive non-native Himalayan balsam and a Bordered beauty moth to the page for RSPB Loch Lomond.

28 July 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Lorna Beattie of Loch Morlich and a Red grouse to the page for Cairngorms in Summer.

28 July 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Lorna Beattie of juvenile Ospreys, Siskins, Spotted flycatcher, Common sandpiper, juvenile Moorhen, Crested tits, Rabbit, Barn swallow, Red squirrels, Badger, Large Red Damselfly, Four-Spotted Chaser Dragonfly and Common carder bee on Lupin to a new page for Loch Garten.

21 July 2018 - uploaded pictures of Great Crested, Smooth and Palmate newts at Gartcosh Local Nature Reserve to a new page for North Lanarkshire.

12 July 2018 - uploaded pictures of a Grey Seal resting on a buoy in the Firth of Forth to the page for Firth of Forth.

28 June 2018 - uploaded pictures of a Tree pipit including a song flight and the forest environment to the page for Inveraray.

8 May 2018 - uploaded more pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of Scottish primrose, Marsh orchid and Vernal squill, cliffs at Birsay, Hen harrier chicks, Common gull eggs and Black-headed gull egg and chick to the page for CEP - Shetland.

8 May 2018 - uploaded more pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of Great skua, Sea sandwort, Sea plantain, Hermaness, Golden plover nest, cliffs and Gannet colony at Noss Head, Bobby Tulloch's boat, Yell and Shetland ponies to the page for CEP - Orkney.

8 May 2018 - uploaded more pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of a Corncrake nest, and a Macbrayne's lorry arriving from the ferry in Lochmaddy to the page for CEP - North Uist.

8 May 2018 - uploaded more pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of the ferry MV Hebrides at Tarbert to the page for CEP - Harris.

8 May 2018 - uploaded more pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of Stornoway harbour with fishing boats, and the Dormobile at Gress to the page for CEP - Lewis.

8 May 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar to a new page for CEP - Applecross.

8 May 2018 - uploaded pictures to the page for Rowardennan and East Loch Lomond.

3 May 2018 - uploaded a picture of Cranberry to the page for Flanders Moss.

2 March 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of Skullcap, Melancholy Thistle, Blaven from Torrin, MV Hebrides at Uig, MV Clansman at Armadale, Sligachan and the Black Cuillin, and Sligachan and Marsco, to the page for CEP - Skye.

2 March 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of Arctic tern, Common storksbill, Seaside pansies, nests of Twite and Common snipe, collecting seaweed, black houses and Dùn an Sticir to the page for CEP - North Uist.

2 March 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of Red Deer, Golden Eagle, Buachaille Etive Mòr and the River Etive Bridge at Kings House to the page for CEP - Rannoch Moor.

2 March 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of the Five Sisters of Kintail from Bealach Ràtagan to the page for CEP - Kintail.

2 March 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of Common Sowthistle, Greater Bindweed, Dove's Foot Cranesbill, Marsh Woundwort, and the nest and eggs of a Lapwing to the page for CEP - Ardmore.

28 February 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of RMS Queen Elizabeth in dry dock in 1966 to the page for CEP - Greenock.

28 February 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of Gannets on the Bass Rock to the page for CEP - Bass Rock.

28 February 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of Arctic and Little tern nests to the page for CEP - Barra.

28 February 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of Eiders on the Ythan estuary, and Capercaillie and its nest in Clashindarroch Forest to the page for CEP - Aberdeenshire.

28 February 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of Cùl Mòr, Cùl Beag and Stac Polly to the page for CEP - Coigach.

28 February 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of Suilven and the River Inver to the page for CEP - Assynt.

28 February 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of MV Locheil and a peat stack to the page for CEP - Islay.

28 February 2018 - uploaded pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar of Seil, Lampreys, and bird hide construction to the page for CEP - Argyllshire.

21 February 2018 - uploaded pictures of Shags, Herring gulls and RSPB volunteers cutting back Tree mallow on Fidra to the page for Fidra.

20 February 2018 - uploaded pictures of seabirds and St Abbs harbour taken by Charles Eric Palmar to the page for CEP - St Abbs.

20 February 2018 - uploaded pictures of a Northern eggar moth, Glasgow University and Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum taken by Charles Eric Palmar to the page for CEP - Glasgow.

20 February 2018 - started the process of uploading pictures taken by Charles Eric Palmar, of Dun Carloway broch, a sandy beach, Great and Arctic skua chicks and an adult Great skua on the attack to the page for CEP - Lewis.

05 February 2018 - uploaded pictures of Wigeon and Golden plover flocks to the page for Girvan.

30 December 2017 - uploaded pictures of Starlings, Blackface sheep, Lennoxtown, Haughhead and the Campsie Fells in the snow, Yew tree at Schoenstatt and haws to the page for East Dunbartonshire.

22 December 2017 - uploaded pictures of the Campsie Fells and Dumgoyne in a snowy sunset, and the Lake of Menteith, the Menteith Hills and Ben Lomond to the page for Stirlingshire.

05 December 2017 - uploaded pictures of Sanderling, Dunlin, Common gull, Ringed plover, Oystercatcher, Redshank, Whimbrel, Pied wagtail and a sunset scene to the page for Tiree.

05 December 2017 - uploaded a picture of the Lady of Avenel sailing vessel to the page for Mull.

05 December 2017 - uploaded pictures of the Eilean Musdile lighthouse to the page for Lismore.

05 December 2017 - uploaded pictures of Great tit, Robin, Wood warbler, Willow warbler, Orange-tip butterfly and Brown silver-line moth to the page for Glasdrum.

05 December 2017 - uploaded pictures of Oban Bay and Dunollie Castle to the page for Oban.

05 December 2017 - uploaded pictures of Loch Fyne, St Conan's Kirk, Loch Etive, Ben Cruachan and Connel bridge to the page for Connel and Loch Etive.

05 December 2017 - uploaded pictures of Broom flowers, Green alkanet, cherry blossom, Dandelion Hawthorn shield bug, Common carder bumblebee and 7-spot ladybird to the page for Glasgow wildlife and wildlife habitat.

01 December 2017 - uploaded pictures of Marsh marigold, Bog myrtle, Canada geese, Willow warbler and Stonechat to the page for The Trossachs.

01 December 2017 - uploaded pictures of Red campion, Greater stitchwort, Greater woodrush, Town hall clock, Wood sorrel, dandelion and a dipper to the page for Lanarkshire.

01 December 2017 - uploaded pictures of Buff-tailed bumblebee, Common wasp, ants,Forget-me-nots and Bluebells to the page for Glasgow wildlife and wildlife habitat.

01 December 2017 - uploaded pictures of plants such as Lesser celandine, Blackthorn and Ash, song birds such as Pied wagtail and Song thrush and water birds such as Teal and Oystercatcher to the page for Crinan Canal, Moine Mhor and Loch Gilp.

20 November 2017 - uploaded pictures of machair scenery, plants such as Tufted vetch, butterflies such as Small tortoiseshell, Red admiral and Common blue, Otters and wading birds such as Sanderling, Dunlin and Turnstone, machair birds such as Corn bunting and Bumblebees such as the Common carder, Moss carder and Great yellow to a new page for Balranald and western North Uist.

20 November 2017 - uploaded pictures of scenery and plants such as Primroses, Yellow flag irises, Dog violets , Bird's foot trefoil Willow and Silverweed to a new page for Eriskay.

10 November 2017 - uploaded pictures of spring plants such as Primroses, Few-flowered Leek, Greater Stitchwort, Lady's Smock, Blackthorn and Gorse to the page for RSPB Loch Lomond.

31 October 2017 - uploaded pictures of Loch an Loisgainn Mor, Pied wagtail, Grey wagtail, Redwing, Shoulder-stripe moth and Pussy willow in Kilmartin Glen to the page for Mid Argyllshire.

31 October 2017 - uploaded pictures of Hazel, Alder, Pussy Willow, Lesser Celandine, Coltsfoot, 7-Spot Ladybird and Speedwell to the page for Glasgow wildlife and wildlife habitat.

31 October 2017 - uploaded pictures of Hawthorn, Ash, Blue tit and House sparrow at RSPB Lochwinnoch to the page for Lochwinnoch.

31 October 2017 - uploaded pictures of Whooper Swans, Lapwing, bracket fungi, Benarty Hill and Loch Leven to the page for Fife.

31 October 2017 - uploaded pictures of Common Frogs, bracket fungi, honey fungus,jelly ear fungus, Elder, Wood anemone and ring wood at RSPB Loch Lomond to the page for RSPB Loch Lomond.

19 October 2017 - uploaded a picture of a Puffin taking off at the Isle of May to the page for Isle of May.

19 October 2017 - uploaded pictures of plants at Lochwinnoch to the page for Lochwinnoch.

19 October 2017 - uploaded pictures of Union Canal at Linlithgow to the page for Linlithgow.

19 October 2017 - uploaded pictures of Lossiemouth Beach to the page for Lossiemouth.

19 October 2017 - uploaded pictures of bar-tailed godwits to the page for Musselburgh.

19 October 2017 - uploaded pictures of birds and scenery to the page for Lochwinnoch.

19 October 2017 - uploaded a picture of walkers in the Campsies to the page for Campie and Fintry Hills.

19 October 2017 - uploaded a picture of Arran and the Cumbraes to the page for Largs.

18 October 2017 - uploaded pictures of House Sparrow, Goldfinch, Corncrake, Cuckoo, Barn Swallow, Collared Dove and Whooper Swan to the page for Coll.

18 October 2017 - uploaded pictures of Puffins, razorbill, and the Lunga coastline to the page for Lunga, Treshnish Isles.

18 October 2017 - uploaded pictures of Dunlins, Sand lizard and scenery to the page for Southwest Coll.

12 October 2017 - uploaded a picture of Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum with Cherry Blossom to the page for Glasgow buildings and scenery.

09 October 2017 - uploaded pictures of Conic Hill to the page for Loch Lomond.

09 October 2017 - uploaded pictures of Brimstone moth and Fairy foxglove to the page for Millport, Firth of Clyde.

09 October 2017 - uploaded pictures of Dark Arches, Scalloped Oak, Triple Spotted Clay and other moths of the families Geometridae and Crambidae to the page for Glasgow wildlife and wildlife habitat.

12 September 2017 - uploaded pictures of the Inner Forth Landscape Initiative's cruise from Queensferry to Kincardine to various pages round the Forth such as Queensferry Grangemouth and Kincardine

7 September 2017 - uploaded pictures of moorland scenery, cattle and sheep, plants (Eyebright, Common cotton grass, Crowberry, Self-heal, Boh asphodel, Bell heather, Cross-leaved heath, Butterwort, Spear thistle, Marsh lousewort, Foget-me-not, Marsh thistle and Bog bean) and lepidoptera (Meadow brown butterfly, Magpie moth, Northern eggar moth caterpillar) to a new page for Munsary Peatlands Plantlife Nature Reserve in Caithness.

6 September 2017 - Photos of Inchcailloch, Loch Lomond (White heather, Bell heather, Tree moss, English stonecrop, Alder cones and leaves, Hazel nuts, a Dor beetle, a Red-green carpet moth caterpillar and a tourist cruise boat) added to a new page for Inchcailloch

6 September 2017 - Photos of Grangepans meadow, and at the Bridgeness habitat creation site a Megachile leafcutter bee, Red-tailed bumblebee, Meadow brown, Large white and Small copper butterflies and the following plants - Weld, Wild Mignonette, Ragwort, Eyebright, Great willowherb and Mugwort - added to the page for Bo'ness and Kinneil

5 September 2017 - Photos of Bog rosemary, Pink-barred Sallow moth, caterpillars of Fox moth and Broom moth, and a Spiked Shieldbug feeding on a Fox moth caterpillar added to the page for Mosses of East Dunbartonshire

23 July 2017 - uploaded pictures of plants (Field Scabious, Greater Knapweed, Meadow Vetchling and Tufted Vetch) and bees (White-tailed Bumblebee, Garden Bumblebee and Moss Carder Bee) at Farr Glebe wildflower meadow and views of Farr Beach to the page for Bettyhill, Sutherland.

11 July 2017 - uploaded pictures of wildlife on RSPB Black Devon Wetlands including Reed Bunting, Grey Heron, Rowan, Creeping Thistle and views from Clackmannan Tower over the Forth to the page for Alloa, Clackmannan and Black Devon Wetlands.

11 July 2017 - uploaded pictures of Heath and Wall Speedwells at Bothwell Castle, and raised bog habitat and species at Braehead Moss, South Lanarkshire - Round-leaved Sundew, bog specialist moths Phiaris schulziana and Catoptria margaritella, a Fox moth (Macrothylacia rubi) caterpillar, Large Heath butterfly, Bell Heather and Meadow pipit to the page for South Lanarkshire.

10 July 2017 - uploaded pictures of bees - Solitary bees (Colletes and Andrena), Red-tailed, Tree, Cuckoo and Buff-tailed Bumblebees, Honey Bee, Forest and Hairy Shield Bugs, Picture-winged Fly, Cucumber Spider, Ichneumon Wasps - and Green Alkanet to the page for Stirling.

7 July 2017 - uploaded pictures of plants - Perforate St John's Wort, Weld, Cut-leaved Cranesbill, Red Bartsia, Fairy Flax, Common Spotted Orchid, Marsh Woundwort, Wild Mignonette, Common Wintergreen, Ox-eye Daisies, Tufted Vetch, Kidney Vetch - insects - Honey Bee and Buff-tailed Bumblebee - and cutting back invasive Buddleia at a Buglife and IFLI wild flower meadow restoration project at the former Bridgeness Shipbreakers' Yard, Bo'ness to the page for Bo'ness and Kinneil.

4 July 2017 - uploaded pictures of Speedwells, Buttercups, Ivy Leaved Toadflax, Lesser Trefoil , Wild Strawberry , Comfrey, Cow Parsley, Crosswort, Common Vetch, Yorkshire Fog, Common Ragwort , Broad leaved dock , Common Elder and Water Avens to the page for Bothwell.

4 July 2017 - uploaded pictures of Purple Toothwort, Sanicle,Tree Lungwort , Fly of Bibio sp, Fringe Cups, Common or Brown centipede , Click-beetle larva, Centipede Geophilus insculptus, lichens and Great Tit to the page for Glasgow Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat.

19 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of the Aber Bog, Ring Wood, Net Bay, Heron, Meadow pipit, Reed bunting, Spotted flycatcher, Redstart, an Eristalis hoverfly, a female Orange-tip and Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary butterflies, a Common froglet and Greater Woodrush to the page for RSPB Loch Lomond.

19 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of both male and female Orange-tip butterflies from above and below, Dove's Foot Cranesbill, Garlic Mustard, Bush Vetch, White Dead Nettle, Wild Strawberry, Coltsfoot seed head and Common Carder bumblebee on Broom at the former Bridgeness Shipbreakers yard site to the page for Bo'ness and Kinneil.

16 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of field forget-me-not, changing forget-me-not, lesser celandine and wild garlic to the page for Stirling.

16 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of CalMac ferry, Dunollie Castle, and sunset over Oban Bay to the page for Oban.

16 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of Kittiwakes, Common Guillemots, Common Tern, Black Guillemot, Lady's Rock, Ardtornish Castle, Caledonian ferry, Lochaline and a bulk carrier to the page for Mull.

16 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of Common guillemot, Gannet, Oystercatcher, fishing boats and yachts to the page for PS Waverley round the Mull of Kintyre.

16 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of Ardnamurchan Point, Ardnamurchan Peninsula, Sanna Bay, Portuairk and a flock of Manx shearwaters to the page for Ardnamurchan.

16 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of Common carder bumblebee and Garden bumblebee in Kelvindale to the page for Glasgow wildlife and wildlife habitat.

16 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of Flame shoulder moth, Elephant hawk moth, Small square spot moth, Small tortoiseshell caterpillars, Robin and Sedge warbler to the page for Lochwinnoch.

16 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of Common Haircap Moss, Ragged Robin, Yellow flag iris and Ring wood to the page for RSPB Loch Lomond.

16 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of Garden bumblebee, Cuckoo bumblebee, Common Carder bumblebee, Buff tailed bumblebee, Greater butterfly orchid, Yellow rattle, and Lady's mantle to the page for Mugdock.

12 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary butterfly to the page for Loch Lomond.

12 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of Shags to the page for Great Cumbrae, Firth of Clyde.

12 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of buff-tailed bumblebee, red-tailed bumblebee, garden bumblebee, and common carder bumblebee in Vogrie Country Park to a new page for Midlothian.

12 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of Chamomile Shark caterpillar, Six-spot burnet moth, Seven-spot ladybird, Harebell and Great Willow Herb to the page for Ayrshire.

12 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of grass moth, soldier beetles, harebell and roe deer in Nethybridge to the page for Speyside near Aviemore and Newtonmore.

12 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of Large red damselfly, Four spotted chaser dragonfly, Wild thyme and Cross-leaved heath to the page for Speyside near Aviemore and Newtonmore.

12 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of St John's Wort, Smooth Hawksbeard, Agrimony,Common Centaury, Six-spot burnet moth, Common carder bee, Common wasp, Small copper butterfly, Meadow brown butterly and soldier beetles taken on an IFLI plant walk in Fallin to the page for Fallin and Wester Moss.

06 June 2017 - uploaded several pictures of coppiced woodland, Common Spotted Orchid, leaves of Marsh Marigold, Poplar Hawk Moth, Buff Tip Moth, White Ermine Moth and beetles mating found on a recent photography workshop at RSPB Loch Lomond to the page for RSPB Loch Lomond.

05 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of new zealand flatworm, scalloped oak moth, bee moth, willow beauty moth, dotted clay moth, fan-foot moth, large yellow underwing moth, common carder bumblebee, red-tailed bumblebee and honey bee in Kelvindale to the page for Glasgow wildlife and wildlife habitat.

05 June 2017 - uploaded pictures of honey bee, garden bumblebee, red-tailed bumblebee, early bumblebee, buff-tailed bumblebee, hoverfly, green bottle, two-spot ladybird, seven-spot ladybird and red fox at Broomhill allotments to the page for Glasgow wildlife and wildlife habitat.

22 May 2017 - uploaded pictures of a red-tailed bumblebee and tree bumblebee to the page for Glasgow wildlife and wildlife habitat.

22 May 2017 - uploaded pictures of a marbled beauty moth, riband wave moth, double-striped pug moth, dark arches moth, large yellow underwing moth and a blue tit to the page for Glasgow wildlife and wildlife habitat.

22 May 2017 - uploaded pictures of a grass moth, small phoenix moth, garden carpet moth, Ypsolopha sequella moth and a hoverfly to the page for Millport, Firth of Clyde.

22 May 2017 - uploaded pictures of tawny owl, barn owl, little owl, eagle owl, swallows and crossbill to the page for Polkemmet Country Park and Owl Centre.

05 May 2017 - uploaded pictures of ringed plovers, rock pitpits, pied wagtail, turnstones, grey heron, curlew, dunlin, sanderling, herring gull and common gull to the page for Eigg - Galmisdale and the Sgurr.

05 May 2017 - uploaded pictures of a gannet, kittiwake, and common guillemots to the page for Mallaig to Eigg via Rum Canna and Muck.

05 May 2017 - uploaded pictures of a Canary Shouldered Thorn moth to the page for Lochwinnoch.

05 May 2017 - uploaded pictures of a palmate newt to the page for Glasgow wildlife and wildlife habitat.

05 May 2017 - uploaded pictures of mosses, cranberry plant, angle shades moth, red-legged shieldbug, southern hawker dragonfly and wolf spider to the page for Fallin and Wester Moss.

05 May 2017 - uploaded pictures of Common Field Speedwell and Scarlet Pimpernel to the page for Great Cumbrae, Firth of Clyde.

05 May 2017 - uploaded pictures of Shag, feral goat, stone dyke and Barnabuck Bay to the page for Kerrera.

04 May 2017 - uploaded pictures of Oak, Alder, Ivy-leaved toadflax, shaggy inkcap and a drone fly to the page for Ayrshire.

04 May 2017 - uploaded pictures of Conic Hill to the page for Loch Lomond.

24 April 2017 - uploaded pictures of moths, the Waverley and Antarctic Expediton Plaque at Keppel on Millport to the page for Millport, Firth of Clyde.

24 April 2017 - uploaded pictures of a Scalloped Oak moth and Dark Arches moth to the page for Glasgow wildlife and wildlife habitat.

24 April 2017 - uploaded pictures of a Tawny owl, cormorants and a Little Grebe to the page for Baron's Haugh and Dalzell Woods.

24 April 2017 - uploaded pictures of Whooper swans, Greenfinch, Red Squirrel and the Wallace Monument to the page for Stirling.

24 April 2017 - uploaded pictures of Waxwings, Mistle Thrush and Robin at Bingham's Pond to the page for Glasgow wildlife and wildlife habitat.

24 April 2017 - uploaded pictures of Tufted duck, Goosander and Moorhen on the Forth and Clyde Canal to the page for Glasgow wildlife and wildlife habitat.

20 April 2017 - uploaded pictures of moths on Flanders Moss to the page for Flanders Moss.

Information about photography workshops for 2017 including RSPB and Coll Bird Festival workshops is now available at the Events page

7 March 2017 - uploaded pictures of the Kyle of Tongue and Ben Loyal to a new page for Kyle of Tongue and Ben Loyal.

7 March 2017 - uploaded pictures of Loch Eriboll and Ben Hope including a salmon farm and a tombolo to the page for Loch Eriboll and Ben Hope.

7 March 2017 - uploaded pictures of the Smoo Cave including going inside it on a boat, and beaches east of Durness to a new page for Durness and the Smoo Cave.

7 March 2017 - uploaded pictures of Cape Wrath and the boat and minibus journey to get there to a new page for Cape Wrath and the Kyle of Durness.

23 February 2017 - uploaded pictures of Flanders Moss in the snow to the page for Flanders Moss.

23 February 2017 - uploaded pictures of Hedgehogs on Great Cumbrae to the page for Great Cumbrae.

22 February 2017 - uploaded pictures of Teal, Wigeon, Lapwings, Oyster catchers, Snipe, a Red-necked grebe and Roe Deer to a new page for Loch of Kinnordy and Loch of Lintrathen.

22 February 2017 - uploaded pictures of Pink-footed geese, Meadow pipit, Redshank, Common seal, Winter Aconite, Snowdrops and an experimental duck nest box to a new page for Montrose Basin.

16 February 2017 - uploaded pictures of the cliff scenery and plants including White heather, Tormentil and Juniper to a new page for Eigg - Cleadale Cliffs.

11 February 2017 - uploaded pictures of scenery including St Donnan's Church (ruined) and graveyard and a wind-blown tree to a new page for Eigg - Kildonnan.

9 February 2017 - uploaded pictures of plants (Heath Milkwort, Common Heather, Hogweed, Ragwort, Rowan, Self Heal, Bell Heather, Red Bartsia, a possible mutant English Stonecrop, Common Mouse-Ear, Perforate St John's Wort, Wood Speedwell, Yellow Pimpernel, Tormentil, mosses and liverworts, Devil's-bit scabious, Ragged robin, Sea Mayweed and Grass of Parnassus), some birds (Jackdaws, Common gulls and Greylag geese) and scenery (Cleadale cliffs, the Singing Sands, overhanging cliffs, a dyke and some views of Rum) to a new page for Eigg - Cleadale.

9 February 2017 - uploaded pictures of Devil's-bit scabious, Crane flies mating and scenery including St Donnan's Church, Eigg primary school, some aspects of the Eigg electricity grid, An Sgùrr including columnar basalt and views of Rum to a new page for Eigg - Galmisdale, the Sgurr and Kildonnan.

3 February 2017 - uploaded pictures of Pink-footed geese, Whooper swans, Wigeon, a Tree sparrow, Curlews, Mute swans, a Reed bunting and Konik ponies to the page for Loch of Strathbeg.

3 February 2017 - uploaded several pictures of uploaded several pictures of fishing boats in Peterhead harbour, one of pipe laying equipment, one of the Orkney ferry MV Earl Thorfinn and one of the St Fergus Gas Terminal to a new page for to a new page for Peterhead.

3 February 2017 - uploaded several pictures of the almost completed Queensferry Crossing (showing the approach road and the last gap in the road deck to be filled in) to a new page for Queensferry.

23 January 2017 - uploaded several pictures of scenery and birds on the ferry journey from Mallaig to Eigg via Rum, Canna and Muck to a new page for Mallaig to Eigg.

23 January 2017 - uploaded several pictures of Mallaig including ferries, fishing boats and a steam train to a new page for Mallaig.

22 January 2017 - updated Events page with new photography workshop dates for 2017.

29 November 2016 - uploaded several pictures of Loch Nevis including Bottlenose Dolphins jumping to a new page for Loch Nevis and Inverie.

28 October 2016 - uploaded a picture of a Death's Head Hawk Moth to a new page for Fife.

21 October 2016 - uploaded several pictures of flowers (such as Perforate St John's Wort and Ox-eye daisy) from Bridgeness Biodiverisity Day, Bo'ness to the page for Bo'ness and Kinneil.

07 October 2016 - uploaded several pictures of insects (such as Drone Fly, Hoverfly and bumblebees) from IFLI Polinators workshop, Bo'ness to the page for Bo'ness and Kinneil.

21 September 2016 - uploaded several pictures of plants (such as Common Poppy, Curly Dock and Ragwort) and insects (such as Meadow Brown butterfly, Shaded Broad-bar moth and Buff-tailed Bumblebee) from Bridgeness, Bo'ness to the page for Bo'ness and Kinneil.

19 September 2016 - uploaded several pictures of plants (such as Eyebright, Knapweed and Ox-Eye Daisy) and insects (such as Peacock Butterfly and Common Carder Bee) from Fallin Bing, Stirlingshire to the page for Fallin and Wester Moss.

12 September 2016 - uploaded several pictures of plants (such as Meadow Cranesbill, Hemlock and Red Campion) and insects (such as bumblebees, parasitic wasps and 10-spot ladybird) from Balallan House, Stirling to the page for Stirling.

25 August 2016 - uploaded several pictures of plants such as Sea Aster, Sea Milkwort and Tufted Vetch from Skinflats RSPB Nature Reserve to the page for Skinflats.

25 August 2016 - uploaded several pictures of moths (such as light emerald and poplar hawkmoth), plants ( common spotted orchid, mosses), insects (common red soldier beetle) and alpacas found on the Kennetpans Bioblitz to the page for Alloa, Clackmannan and Black Devon.

25 July 2016 - uploaded several pictures of plants such as Hawkweed, Red Clover, Narrow-leaved Ragwort and Climbing Hydrangea, and insects including Buff-tailed and Red-tailed Bumblebees colonising the former John Brown's shipyard site to a new page for Clydebank.

12 July 2016 - uploaded several pictures of moths, plants, insects and passerines found on the GNHS visit to RSPB Loch Lomond to the page for RSPB Loch Lomond.

9 July 2016 - uploaded several pictures of some plants and insects at RSPB Loch Lomond to a new page for RSPB Loch Lomond.

5 July 2016 - uploaded several pictures of tree regeneration, native tree seedlings, Cow wheat (an ancient woodland indicator), invasive Japanese Knotweed and bracken pulling in order to allow native woodland regeneration at RSPB Inversnaid to a new page for Inversnaid.

28 May 2016 - uploaded several pictures of Pond skater, Water cricket, Wolf spider, Comb-footed spider and Grass bug in Beecraigs Country Park to the page for Linlithgow.

27 May 2016 - uploaded pictures of Wood anemones, Town hall clock, Dog's mercury, Primroses, Coltsfoot, Opposite-leaved Golden saxifrage, Native Bluebells, a Thallose Liverwort, Common spleenwort, Blackthorn, Daffodils, Pink purslane, Dog violet, Marsh marigolds and Leopard's Bane to a new page for Falls of Clyde Plants.

26 May 2016 - uploaded several pictures of Clackmannan and the Carse of Forth to the page for Alloa, Clackmannan and Black Devon.

14 April 2016 - uploaded several pictures of Tinto and Lamington to a new page for South Lanarkshire.

14 April 2016 - uploaded several pictures of the Tweed Valley, the Borders Railway and flood alleviation schemes in Selkirk to a new page for Peebles, Galashiels and Selkirk.

31 March 2016 - uploaded several pictures of Golden saxifrage, Elf cup fungus and Whooper swans to the page for Lochwinnoch.

24 March 2016 - uploaded several pictures of scenery and seabirds (Herring gulls, Fulmars, Kittiwakes and Shags) to a new page for Fidra.

11 March 2016 - uploaded pictures of Crested tit, Weasel, Tree creeper, Red squirrel, Tufted ducks, Coal tit and Blue tits to the page for Lossiemouth.

8 February 2016 - uploaded several pictures of flood alleviation schemes to a new page for Elgin and Moray.

8 February 2016 - uploaded two pictures of Aberdeen harbour at night to a new page for Aberdeen.

8 February 2016 - uploaded several pictures of flood damage in Ballater and at Abergeldie Castle in Deeside to a new page for Deeside.

8 February 2016 - uploaded several pictures of the Rivar Isla, Reekie Linn, Backwater Reservoir and Alyth to a new page for Alyth and Glenisla.

14 December 2015 - added two pictures of the bulk carrier Ocean Planet to the pages for Hunterston.

14 December 2015 - added several pictures of scenery to the pages for Great Cumbrae.

14 December 2015 - added several pictures of House martins to the pages for Great Cumbrae.

14 December 2015 - added a picture of Carrick Scottish Maritime Mueseum to the pages for Irvine.

14 December 2015 - added several pictures of Largs to the pages for Great Cumbrae.

14 December 2015 - added several pictures of the Hebridean Princess to the pages for Great Cumbrae.

14 December 2015 - added several pictures of Common Seals to the pages for Great Cumbrae.

2 December 2015 - added several pictures of Purple Sandpipers to the pages for Great Cumbrae.

7 November 2015 - added several pictures taken on a Wader and Wildfowl ID Course at IFLI to the pages for Skinflats and Bo'ness and Kinneil.

21 October 2015 - uploaded several pictures of Orkney to a new page for North Hoy including Rackwick and the Old Man of Hoy from the land and from the sea.

21 October 2015 - uploaded several pictures of Orkney to a new page for Stromness including the harbour and town from the sea.

21 October 2015 - uploaded several pictures of Orkney to a the pages for Yesnaby and Birsay including pictures from the sea on the RSPB's Hamnavoe cruise as part of the Orkney Nature Festival 2014.

20 October 2015 - uploaded several pictures of Orkney to the pages for Birsay including the cliffs with Guillemots, Kittiwakes and a Raven and Shapinsay, Orkney, including images of Balfour, RSPB Mill Dam, the Ouse and a Snipe drumming.

15 September 2015 - uploaded several pictures of mainland Orkney birds, plants and scenery to the pages for Evie, Rendall, Birsay, Sandwick, Orphir and Hobbister, Stenness, Yesnaby, and the Orkney island of Rousay

15 September 2015 - uploaded several more pictures of plants, birds and scenery to the pages for Shapinsay, Orkney, including Greylag geese, Shelduck, waders such as Redshank and Curlew, and plants such as Yellow Flag Irises, White Clover, Red Clover, Northern Marsh Orchid and Meadow Vetchling.

25 August 2015 - uploaded several more pictures of birds and scenery to the page for Westray, including waders such as Redshank, Turnstone, Dunlin and Purple sandpiper, Arctic and Great skuas, Great northern diver and Common seal and the cliffs of Noup Head with nesting sea birds.

28 July 2015 - uploaded several more pictures of birds and scenery to the page for Eday, including Red-Throated Diver, Short-Eared Owl, Common Gull colony, Great Skua, Arctic Skua, Arctic Tern, Cormorant colony, Ragged Robin, Tufted Vetch, Marsh Orchids, Cotton Grass, Marsh Thistle, Sheep's Sorrell, London Bay and Airport, Flaughton Hill, Red Head and the Calf of Eday.

23 July 2015 - added a new page for Eday including pictures of Short-Eared Owl and Red-Throated Diver.

3 July 2015 - added a new page for Glasdrum including pictures of Chequered Skipper butterfly and several moths.

3 July 2015 - added a new page for Glen Creran including pictures of trees and scenery.

3 July 2015 - uploaded several more pictures of meadow flowers in Bo'mains Meadow to the page for Bo'ness and Kinneil, including including Greater Butterfly Orchid and Common Twayblade.

3 July 2015 - uploaded several more pictures of the SWT's Jupiter Urban Wildlife Centre to the page for Grangemouth, including a Cream Spot Ladybird, Greater Spearwort, Meadow flowers including Ox-Eye Daisies and a Common Blue Damselfly.

22 June 2015 - added a new page for South Bute including pictures of flowers and scenery along the West Island Way.

12 June 2015 - added a new page for Mosses of East Dunbartonshire including Dr Richard Tipping peat coring on Lenzie Moss.

12 June 2015 - added pictures of woodland plants to the Lanarkshire page.

7 May 2015 - added pictures of the Tay Reed Beds, including Reed buntings, a Water rail nest, a Chaffinch nest and a Song thrush brooding to the Tayside and Dundee page.

30 April 2015 - added pictures of Common seals to the Dornoch and Loch Fleet page.

14 April 2015 - added pictures of Pink-footed geese, Willow catkins, Gorse, a Chiffchaff, a Painted Lady butterfly, Roe deer, Blackthorn, a Chaffinch singing, Daffodils and a Brown hare to the Skinflats page.

14 April 2015 - added pictures of the old Alloa rail bridge to the Alloa, Clackmannan and Black Devon page.

14 April 2015 - added a new page for Stirling including the many Forth crossings - bridges old and newer.

31 March 2015 - added a new page for Tayside and Dundee including the partial solar eclipse of 20th March 2015.

31 March 2015 - added pictures of slow worm, adder, bullfinch and red squirrel road kill to the Loch Lomond page.

31 March 2015 - added pictures of slow worms to Ailsa Craig page.

29 March 2015 - uploaded several pictures of the SWT's Jupiter Urban Wildlife Centre to the page for Grangemouth, including the Wild Wild Wood and the pond, the first Primroses of spring, Turkey tail fungus and Candle snuff fungus.

23 to 26th March - added pictures of Long-tailed tit, Water rail, Tawny owl, Goldcrest, Bullfinch and Chiffchaff to the page for Baron's Haugh and Dalzell Woods

11 March 2015 - created a new page for the Moray coast and uploaded pictures of Long-tailed ducks, Wigeon, Teal, Snow buntings, a rainbow and Crested tit.

8 March 2015 - added two pictures of Hen harriers mating to the Loch Lomond page.

11th November 2014 - added pictures of the Otters to the page for Northmavine, Shetland

November 2014 - Many photos added to the page for Fetlar, including Whimbrel and Red throated diver.

October 2014 - updates made of Shetland - a new page for Foula, including Bonxies and Arctic skuas.

18 September 2014 - talks programme for November - December 2014 updated on Events page.

15 September 2014 - added pictures to the page for Northeast Coll. and Southwest Coll.

2 September 2014 - added pictures to the Northeast Coll page.

2 September 2014 - added pictures to the page for Arinagour, Coll.

2 September 2014 - added pictures to the page for Southwest Coll.

1 September 2014 - added pictures to the page for Sound of Mull.

13 August 2014 - added pictures to a new page for Southwest Coll.

13 August 2014 - added pictures to a new page for Arinagour, Coll.

13 August 2014 - added pictures to a new page for Northeast Coll.

12 August 2014 - added several pictures to a new page for the Sound of Mull.

12 August 2014 - added two pictures of the Sound of Kerrera to the Oban. page.

3 August 2014 - added a picture of a Nuthatch and several of Red squirrels to a new page for Lockerbie.

29 July 2014 - added two pictures of Willow tit to the Lanarkshire page

29th May 2014 - added several pictures of Short-eared owls, Black grouse lekking, Red grouse, Ravens and Merlin to the page for Langholm Moor.

17th April 2014 - added pictures of Eider ducks, Long-tailed ducks, Red-breasted mergansers, Shelduck, Sanderling, Redshank Grey seals and the Sands of Forvie to a new page for the Ythan estuary.

14th April 2014 - added several pictures of Tree sparrow, Blue tit, Whooper and Mute swans, Little egret, Grey heron and Pink-footed geese to the page for the Loch of Strathbeg.

13th April 2014 - added several pictures of the Peregrine falcon tiercel, and Wood anemones, Town hall clock, Common polypody fern and Elf cup fungus to the page for the Falls of Clyde.

13th April 2014 - added several pictures of Adders, and Slow worm and Common lizard to the page for the Trossachs.

13th April 2014 - added several pictures of Adders to the page for Loch Lomond.

9th April 2014 - added pictures of Hen harrier, Buzzard, Merlin, Kestrel, Black grouse, Red grouse, Red-legged partridge, Meadow pipit, Curlew, Golden plover, Pheasant, Great spotted woodpecker and Feral goats to a new page for Langholm Moor.

15th March 2014 - added pictures of Charlestown and Limekilns on the Firth of Forth to a new page for Charlestown and Limekilns.

14th March 2014 - added pictures of Donald Lindsay playing his new 3D printed bagpipes outside the Glasgow Science Centre to the page for Glasgow Buildings and Scenery.

9th March 2014 - added Knot, Wigeon, Stonechat and Mute swans to the page for the Crinan Canal, Mòine Mhòr and Loch Gilp.

3rd March 2014 - added pictures of the Avenue arch, the war memorial, the River Aray Bridge, Dun na Cuaiche and the boats Arctic Penguin and Vital Spark to a new page for Inveraray.

27th February 2014 - added pictures of Snowdrops, White butterbur and the site of a proposed new orchard in High Valleyfield Country Park, and of Valleyfield ash lagoons to a new page for Valleyfield.

27th February 2014 - added pictures of buildings including Culross Abbey and the centre of Culross, the Palace, scenery, the foreshore and coastal birds, together with wonderful views of Grangemouth and Longannet power Station from Culross, to a new page for Culross.

18th February 2014 - added 132 pictures of scenery and birds, stand-up paddleboarding, wind surfing and brown hares to a new page for Tiree.

22nd January 2014 - added pictures of sunrise over the Firth of Clyde, White-fronted geese, trees in evening light, Gigha and a Rock pipit, to the page for Kintyre.

20th January 2014 - Added a new page for Glasgow south including pictures of a Female Goosander, eating a fish on Littleton Reservoir, Dams to Darnley Country Park.

19th January 2014 - Several improvements to the page about retrofitting home insulation to an old house.

19th January 2014 - added pictures of Bullfinch, Carrion Crow, Chaffinch, Robin and Willow warbler, to the page for Mugdock Country Park.

11th January 2014 - added a new page for West Dunbartonshire including two rainbow pictures, a Curlew flock landing and two Highland bulls.

11th January 2014 - added pictures of an Otter in Linn Park, to the page for Glasgow wildlife and wildlife habitat

25th December 2013 - added a new page for Aithsting, Shetland including pictures of a Collared dove and Curlew, and Aith pier and some wind turbines and power lines.

23rd December 2013 - added pictures of the Walls Boundary Fault, Bog asphodel, Cotton grass and Thrift to the page for Northmavine, Shetland

23rd December 2013 - added pictures of a Sikorsky helicopter and a Saab 2000 aeroplane at Scatsta Airport, Sullom Voe, to the page for Delting, Shetland

21st December 2013 - added a new page for Eshaness and Hillswick, Northmavine, Shetland including a panorama of Brae Wick, the Neap and the Drongs. There are now 151 pages of pictures, and over 4250 photos on the site.

21st December 2013 - added several more pictures to the page for Northmavine, Shetland including the red granite landscape of Ronas Hill, and a panorama of Ronas Voe.

10th December 2013 - added a new page for Fetlar, Shetland with pictures of birds, sheep and scenery.

9th December 2013 - added several pictures to the page for Northmavine, Shetland including Eshaness and Ronas Voe.

9th December 2013 - added a new page for Delting, Shetland with pictures of Common tern and the landscape, including the unique double tombolo in Dales Voe.

9th December 2013 - added pictures to the page for Yell, Shetland including an Otter and pictures in Aywick.

8th December 2013 - added a new page for the island of Yell, Shetland including pictures of Golden plover, Dunlin, moorland, ferries and the changing landscape.

7th December 2013 - added a new page for the Scalloway, Tingwall, Trondra and Burra areas of mainland Shetland including pictures of Scalloway, Hamnavoe marina, Shetland sheep shearing and a Shetland Pony.

4th December 2013 - added a new page for the Girvan area on the Firth of Clyde including pictures of PS Waverley, Mute swan, Dunure, Culzean Castle and Girvan harbour and lifeboat.

27th November 2013 - 2 new pictures of the Clackmannanshire Bridge added to the Kincardine page.

27th November 2013 - 49 new pictures of the River Devon, Cambus Pools, autumn colour and the Black Devon Wetlands added to the Alloa page.

26th November 2013 - new pictures of a guided walk by Tom Cooper of Urban Roots and Glasgow wildlife ranger Sandy McNeill, at the Malls Mire Jackdaw roost added to the Glasgow wildlife and wildlife habitat page.

21 November 2013 - added 21 pictures of Guillemot stack, Wren and scenery including Scatness, Sumburgh Head and Sumburgh Airport to the Sumburgh, Shetland page.

20 November 2013 - added a new page for the archaeological site Jarlshof in Shetland.

16 November 2013 - added a new page for Red-necked phalaropes in Shetland.

16 November 2013 - added a new page for Cumbernauld, mainly the Froglife Living Waters Project End Event.

16 November 2013 - updated information on how our solar PV panels have performed over the last few months - see the solar PV panels page.

31 October 2013 - Pictures of a plant hunt added to a new Govan Graving Docks page.

25 October 2013 - Pictures of Shetland - St Ninian's Isle including two panoramas, Quendale Croft Museum, Wren, Skylark, Meadow pipit, Wheatear, Ringed plover, Shetland ponies and Ragged robin added to a new Dunrossness page.

22 October 2013 - Pictures of Yellowhammer, Goldcrest and Sardinian warbler added to a new St Abb's page.

12 September 2013 - More Shetland pictures of Wren, Herring Gull and Curlew added to the Northmavine page.

9 September 2013 - Pictures of Gannets in Orkney added to a new Westray page.

7 September 2013 - More Shetland pictures of Otter, Arctic tern, Ringed plover "broken wing" distraction display added to the Northmavine page.

6 September 2013 - Pictures of Arctic terns, Whooper swans, Red Throated divers and Meadow Cranesbill in Shetland added to a new Northmavine page.

5 September 2013 - Pictures of the Abbey Craig and Wallace Monument, Stirling Castle, the Ochils and a mobile phone mast near Dunblane, (which is "disguised" as a tree) added to the Stirlingshire page.

5 September 2013 - Pictures of Muthill in the snow added to the Crieff and Muthill page.

31 August 2013 - New Shetland pictures - Bonxie, Puffins, Common Guillemots, Ringed Plover, Redshank, Common Gull and an aeroplane added to a new Sumburgh page.

31 August 2013 - New Shetland pictures - the broch and Storm Petrels added to a new Mousa page.

30 August 2013 - New European Beaver pictures, with water lilies and reflections on Lochan Buic, uploaded to the Knapdale page.

13 August 2013 - New Shetland pictures - see Lerwick page.

12 August 2013 - New Shetland pictures - see Bressay and Noss (boat trip with Underwater Shetland) page.

6th June 2013 - Peregrine falcon, Common seal, Jackdaw and Herring gull pictures uploaded to the Great Cumbrae page.

6th June 2013 - Dunadd and Mòine Mhòr pictures uploaded to a new Crinan Canal and Mòine Mhòr page.

6th June 2013 - Friends of Glasgow's LNRs visit Commonhead Moss.

6th June 2013 - GNHS visit to the Falls of Clyde on 2nd June - see Falls of Clyde page.

3rd June 2013 - Red-throated divers in Argyllshire - see Mid Argyllshire page.

2nd June 2013 - Catching and ringing Fulmars in Caithness - see Caithness - Brough Head page.

31 May 2013 - updated information on how our solar PV panels have performed over the last few months - see the solar PV panels page.

30 May 2013 - Pictures uploaded of European Beavers, their habitat, effects on the landscape and beaver monitoring at the Scottish Beaver Trial in Knapdale.

20 May 2013 - Pictures of the Mugdock Country Park Outdoor Activity Day uploaded to the Mugdock page.

2 May 2013 - new images of Long-eared owl in flight uploaded to a new East Dunbartonshire page.

2 May 2013 - new images of Beavers, Roe deer, Loch Sween and the Crinan Canal uploaded to the Knapdale page.

24 April 2013 - Several updates to information pages including a rearrangement of the Information index page, and a new page about home insulation created

23 April - Completed uploading pictures of Great Crested Grebe doing the weed dance, mating, head shaking display on Linlithgow Loch to the Linlithgow Loch Great crested grebes page.

15 April 2013 - More information about the Renewable Heat Incentive and the Recoh-Vert Shower-Save is mentioned on the solar thermal panel page.

9 April 2013 - Pictures of the Sperm whale and ships in Oban Bay uploaded to Oban page.

28 March 2013 - Many more pictures uploaded to Skinflats page, including Yellowhammer, Reed bunting and Pink-footed geese.

24 March 2013 - Previous page for Inner Forth has been replaced by new pages on Grangemouth, Kincardine, Blackness and Skinflats

20 March 2013 - New page for Kinneil on the Firth of Forth.

16 December 2012 - uploaded several pictures of the Mòine Mhòr area, including Cuckoo, Red-breasted merganser and Grey heron to a new Mid Argyllshire page.

16 December 2012 - uploaded more pictures of an Otter to the North Kintyre page.

15 December 2012 - uploaded over 50 pictures of a wildlife spotting trip on SeaLife Adventures boat Porpoise II from Seil to a new SeaLife Adventures boat trip page.

13 December 2012 - uploaded more pictures of the Scottish Beaver Trial and a visit there by Glasgow and Clyde SWT members to the Knapdale page.

12 December 2012 - uploaded pictures of Grey Heron, Shoveler and a frosty umbellifer to the Baron's Haugh page.

11 December 2012 - uploaded several pictures of Waxwings which have been visiting our garden over the past three days to the Glasgow Wildlife page.

8 December 2012 - uploaded two pictures of the Falls of Clyde in autumn colour, and a Grey heron to the Falls of Clyde page.

8 December 2012 - uploaded several pictures of Strathdearn (the Findhorn valley) including Red Deer and Juniper bushes to the Monadhliath page.

8 December 2012 - uploaded several pictures of the Cromarty Firth area, including Greylag geese and Tollie Red Kites to a new Cromarty page.

7 December 2012 - uploaded several pictures of Rothiemurchus forest reflected in lochans, a Roe deer in the forest, and a panorama over Speyside from Craigellachie to the Aviemore page.

7 December 2012 - uploaded several pictures of Waxwings and a Collared dove on my bird table to the Glasgow wildlife page.

3 December 2012 - uploaded several pictures of the RSPB's Skinflats Reserve including Shelduck, Curlews and a Short-eared owl, as well as Longannet Power Station, and the port and industry of Grangemounth to the Inner Forth page.

1 December 2012 - uploaded a new panorama taken this morning of West Kilbride and Arran West Kilbride page.

30 November 2012 - uploaded some pictures of Ospreys taken in 2003 and a vertical panorama from 2009 of an Osprey diving to catch a fish Loch of the Lowes page.

26 November 2012 - uploaded several new pictures of Common Sandpiper and Otter to the North Kintyre page.

25 November 2012 - uploaded 3 pictures and a panorama of West Kilbride and Arran to the West Kilbride page.

22 November 2012 - uploaded several pictures of taken on Skye of Otter signs to a new Broadford Bay page.

12 November 2012 - uploaded another 30 pictures of Teal, Dunlin and Black-tailed godwit flocks and scenery, including the Clackmannanshire and Kincardine Bridges to the Inner Forth page.

5 November 2012 - uploaded some pictures of Skye to new pages about the Black Cuillin and Blaven and the Red Cuillin.

4 November 2012 - uploaded some pictures of Skye including White-tailed eagle and scenery to new pages about the Portree area and Waterstein and Neist Point.

3 November 2012 - uploaded some pictures of the RSPB's Skinflats Step Forth project including a panorama to the new Inner Forth page.

1 November 2012 - uploaded some pictures of Barnacle geese to the Caerlaverock page.

17 October 2012 - pictures of Rock Pipit, Bar-tailed godwit and Eider ducks added to the Great Cumbrae page

16 October 2012 - updated information on how our solar PV panels have performed over the last month or two. A newly rearranged table has been made to make the results easier to read - see the solar PV panels page.

16 October 2012 - updated information on how our solar thermal panel performed over the past few days following the installation of a top of tank temperature sensor. Legionnaire's Disease and how to prevent it is also mentioned on the solar thermal panel page.

16 October 2012 - uploaded several wader, gull and duck pictures from a recent RSPB trip to Musselburgh on the Musselburgh page

11 October 2012 - updated information on how our solar thermal panel performed over the past day, mentioning hot tank tank temperatures, heat loss and the effect of showers on the hot water temperature in the tank. This information is available on the solar thermal panel page.

8 October 2012 - Bird and scenery photos of 3 areas of Galloway uploaded - Crook of Baldoon RSPB Reserve, Loch Ryan and the Mull of Galloway

8 October 2012 - updated information on how our solar thermal panel performed over the past 6 weeks is now available at the solar thermal panel page.

8 September 2012 - updated information on how our solar PV panels performed over the past months is now available at the solar PV panels page.

8 September 2012 - Information about a Photography Walk at Mugdock Country Park can be found on the Mugdock Photography Walk Page.

September 2012 - updated information on how our solar thermal panel performed over the past 8 months is now available at the solar thermal panel page.

Summer 2012 - several new stories (red dots on the map) created - for example Handa, Forsinard and a trip from Kyle of Lochalsh to Gairloch on PS Waverley

6 March 2012 - Created a new page about the installation, working and performance of our solar thermal panel.

23 February 2012 - uploaded some new information about the performance of our solar PV panels, including a summary of generation for 2011 - Solar Panels page.

13 February 2012 - Photos of birds around Musselburgh uploaded, showing waders such as Dunlin, Bar-tailed Godwit, and Redshank, a Pink-footed Goose, Snow Buntings, Twite, Long-tailed Duck and a Smew at Tranent taken on a recent RSPB Glasgow mid-week excursion.

12 February 2012 - Photos of a walk in Glen Doll with the Angus Ranger uploaded, showing the snowy mountain and coniferous forest scenery, and some Common Crossbills and a Red Squirrel taken in very poor light conditions.

6 February 2012 - Photos of the Lecht area uploaded, showing the scenery, the skiiing area, snow buntings and red grouse

5 February 2012 - Photos of Hogganfield Loch in Glasgow uploaded, showing Goosanders, Goldeneye, Tufted Duck and Greylag Goose.

4 February 2012 - Photos of the Campsie Fells, Fintry Hills and Gargunnock Hills uploaded, including Crossbills, Greylag Geese and Blackface sheep.

3 February 2012 - Date of a photography walk at Mugdock Country Park, now confirmed as Sunday 1st April 2012, and with details similar to previous walks, e.g on the Mugdock page from March 2011.

A further photography walk will be held at the same times and same place on Sunday 14th October 2012.

20 January 2012 - Uploaded pictures of birds and scenery is Islay and Jura taken from the Islay Ferry.

26 September 2011 - uploaded some new information about the performance of our solar PV panels - Solar Panels page.

22 September 2011 - Uploaded images of North Harris, including flowers of the machair at Hùisnis.

5 August 2011 - Information about two photography walks as part of the Kirkintilloch Canal Festival on 23rd and 25th August uploaded to the Events Page.

2 August 2011 - Uploaded a story about a Seatrek day trip to St Kilda

2 August 2011 - Finished uploading 135 pictures of a fantastic day trip to St Kilda on Seatrek's MV Lochlann from Miabhaig, Lewis.

1 August 2011 - More St Kilda pictures uploaded, and a new graph of solar panel output has been added to the Solar Panels page

31 July 2011 - Started to upload over 100 images of St Kilda, and the 4 hour boat trip to St Kilda from Miabhaig, Lewis on Seatrek's MV Lochlann. (Many more images of St Kilda still to go.)

21 July 2011 - Swimming beaver images uploaded into story about the Scottish Beaver Trial project in Knapdale

21 July 2011 - Solar Panels page updated at last!

7 June 2011 - Several more scenery images uploaded into story about Lewis

31 May 2011 - New stories (red dots on the map) created for North Harris and for Lewis and several more pictures uploaded.

10 May 2011 - Updated figures for generation by our PV solar panel installation have been put on the Solar Panels page.

29 March 2011 - Images of Great Spotted Woodpecker, Greylag goose, Chaffinch, Jackdaw and Common toad in Mugdock Country Park uploaded.

25 March 2011 - Updated figures for generation by our PV solar panel installation have been put on the Solar Panels page.

28 February 2011 - Updated figures for generation by our PV solar panel installation have been put on the Solar Panels page.

23 February 2011 - New images of Common frog (Rana temporaria) and Froglife staff and Glasgow University students and staff renewing a pond liner at the Glasgow Univeristy wildlife garden.

14 February 2011 - New images of the Islay ferry, otter, blue tit, goosander, red-breasted merganser, eiders, oyster catchers, great northern diver, and red-throated diver in North Kintyre uploaded.

9 February 2011 - A new page about my father Charles Eric Palmar and his pictures has been added, based on what was on on the old site.
Internal links to some photos taken on Wild Caledonia wildlife holidays have been updated.
In addition, these photo captions link externally to the Wild Caledonia wildlife holidays website.

2 February 2011 - 89 photos of the Arden Grange and Siberian Husky Club of GB Aviemore Sled Dog Rally Sunday 23 January 2011 uploaded. that's all the pictures of this event uploaded now.
If your image appears on this site and you are unhappy about that, simply contact us quoting the image ID number and it will be removed.

1 February 2011 - 147 photos of the Arden Grange and Siberian Husky Club of GB Aviemore Sled Dog Rally Sunday 23 January 2011 uploaded.
More still to be processed and uploaded.

31 January 2011 - 44 photos of the Arden Grange and Siberian Husky Club of GB Aviemore Sled Dog Rally Sunday 23 January 2011 uploaded.
Many pictures from Sunday are still to be processed and uploaded.
You can search by Competitor number to find your own picture, e.g. You could type "Competitor 41" into the search box.
If you don't find your photo, you could also try searching for Competitor number unknown which describes any photo where the number on the bib was unreadable.

27 January 2011 - 95 photos of the Arden Grange and Siberian Husky Club of GB Aviemore Sled Dog Rally Saturday 22 January 2011 uploaded.
You can search by Competitor number to find your own picture, e.g. You could type "Competitor 31" into the search box.
If you don't find your photo, you could also try searching for Competitor number unknown which describes any photo where the number on the bib was unreadable.

21 January 2011 - Details of a photography course at Glasgow University on Saturday 19th March 2011 are on a new Glasgow University Digital Wildlife Photography page

21 January 2011 - Details of a photography walk at Mugdock Country park on Sunday 27th March 2011 are on a new Mugdock page

20 January 2011 - started a page about our new PV Solar Panel installation in Glasgow.

19 January 2011 - added information explaining how to use this site to the Further Information index page.

19 January 2011 - pictures of Hogganfield Loch

11 January 2011 - A one-day digital wildlife photography walk at Mugdock Country Park on Sunday 27 March 2011 added to the Events Page.

18 January 2011 - pictures of Kelvingrove Museum, Forth and Clyde Canal Kelvin Aqueduct and River Kelvin and a Collared Dove uploaded.

17 January 2011 - several pictures of Goosanders uploaded.

16 January 2011 - Welcome to the new version of
For the past two years, this site has been hosted under, as a temporary measure while development continued, thus leaving the old site intact.
This new site has now replaced the old one. We hope you like it.
You can search it in four ways - by a text search, by clicking on a red dot on the map, by clicking on a topic in the topic list, or by clicking on a gallery.
Have fun and please send some feedback to with any suggestions.

11 January 2011 - Details of a one-day digital wildlife photography course on Saturday 19 March 2011 at Glasgow University added to the Events Page.

11 January 2011 - How not to lose your data page has been enhanced with additional advice.

January 2011 - Dozens of photos of birds in my Glasgow garden during the hard frost and snow of December 2010 added.


December 2010 - test version of Google Checkout added to Shopping Cart page.

November 2010 - Hundreds of photos of the Outer Hebrides added - so far mainly Barra and the Uists.

8/3/2010 - Details of a talk to be given to the Clyde SWT Members' Centre on 22 April 2010 added to the Events Page.

26/2/2010 - Details of Mugdock Country Park Photography Walk on Sunday 28th March 2010 added to Events Page.

20/10/2009 - Details of Glasgow University Department of Adult and Continuing Education Photography Course at DACE and in Kelvingrove Park on Saturday 27th March 2010 added to Events Page.

11/6/09 - Beta test of a major site overhaul to provide keyword, gallery and location searches, and to provide online shopping facility, under the temporary url

11/6/09 - There are lots of updates missed out here which were developed on the old site during 2008.

11/6/09 - New images from the Cairngorms added.

29/7/07 - new scanning page added with details of the scanning service for slides, negatives or prints

13/7/07 - 12 more images added to Ailsa Craig page - gannets, gulls, guillemot, the cottage and the lighthouse

9/7/07 - 8 images added to Ailsa Craig page - of Gannets, Gulls and Manx Shearwater, and pictures of the month for June and July. Talks and events page and species and topic list updated.

21/6/07 - 3 images of golden eagles added to Mull page.

20/6/07 - 3 images of River Ba and Glen Coe added to Rannoch Moor page

18/6/07 - 6 images added to the Mull page on the June 2007 Wild Caledonia wildlife holiday.
Species List updated.

27/5/07 - 9 more images added from Mull on the May 2007 Wild Caledonia wildlife holiday.

22/5/07 - 9 images added from Mull on the May 2007 Wild Caledonia wildlife holiday.

21/5/07 - Talks and events page updated with details of the RSPB Glasgow local group meeting talk on 7 October, and my developing ideas for a new Photoshop course to be run in autumn 2007.

7/5/07 - Loch of the Lowes page started with 3 images of Great Crested Grebes.
Index page - descriptions when hovering over red dots considerably enhanced.

4/5/07 - England page updated with more avocets and black-tailed godwits, green-winged teal and pintail

3/5/07 - England page updated with fighting black-tailed godwits and a lapwing displaying at Marshside RSPB Reserve, and kingfishers at Slimbridge WWT Reserve.

1/5/07 - England page updated with images from Leighton Moss RSPB Reserve - avocets, shoveler, marsh harrier, greylag goose and sedge warbler.

30/4/07 - 3 images of the Add Estuary and 3 of red-breasted mergansers displaying added to the Argyllshire page.

26/4/07 - 3 images taken by people on the Falls of Clyde photography walk added to the second photography walk page.

25/4/07 - 15 images of plants added to Falls of Clyde page

24/4/07 - 6 more images added to Mull page, and new Ardgour and Ardnamurchan pages created.

23/4/07 - A selection of bird and people photos taken on the April 2007 Wild Caledonia wildlife holiday has been added - pages on Argyllshire and Mull; species list also updated.

22/4/07 - the / SWT Photography walk at the Falls of Clyde went well, with very positive feedback from the 9 participants. Thanks to all who participated. Link to second photography walk page

20/4/07 - two new pages - Glen Falloch, Crianlarich and Tyndrum, and Rannoch Moor uploaded

18/4/07 - only one place now available on the photography walk on 22nd April - see walks page.

OK - I've finally had to admit it exists! - a start has been made on a new page on England and Wales, accessible also by clicking on the tiny map in the south-east corner of the Scotland map on the index page.

4/4/07 - picture of the month added

clarification of prices for photographs, and additional description of website construction prices added to services and prices page

27/3/07 - 3 more photos added to Largs page, renamed Largs and Wemyss Bay page

23/3/07 - How not to lose your data page has been enhanced with additional advice.

11/3/07 - Turnberry page updated to include Turnberry Lighthouse, Turnberry Hotel, Culzean Castle and Dunure
New PS Waverley Cruises on the Firth of Clyde page started.
Largs page now has enlarged thumbnails.
A new page giving advice on how not to lose your data has also been written.

10/3/07 - 4 more images added to Glenshee page - red grouse and mountain hare footprints, and 3 of snow-covered mountains and ski slopes

9/3/07 - 3 more images added to Hunterston page - bulk coal carrier "Mineral London" on 3rd March 2007 and Hunterston Nuclear Power station and wind farm at dawn

4/3/07 - new moon page created following last night's lunar eclipse with several moon pictures on it.

2/3/07 - Some of the enlarged thumbnails of peregrine falcons on the Falls of Clyde page and the ptarmigan walking across the snow on the Glenshee page now have insets showing part of the picture in greater detail.

28/2/07 - Ptarmigan, red grouse, montane vegetation, scenery and more mountain hares added to Glenshee page.

15/2/07 - Stylesheet applied with green background to all pages. Please email to tell me whether you like it!
Three new pictures added to Clyde Pelagic Cruises page - grey wagtail, hybrid or hooded crow and shags in Kyles of Bute.

14/2/07 - talks and events page and services and prices page updated with new events - Biodiversity Forum in Helensburgh, and wildlife holidays with Wild Caledonia

11/2/07 - Greylag geese flock flying over Cumbrae added to Cumbrae page.

4/2/07 - New page on Glenshee skiiing area - mountain hares in winter coat, red deer herd, Cairngorms with snow and statues near skiing centre

2/2/07 - 3 more pictures added to aurora borealis page, and enlarged pictures now linked to all thumbnails

1/2/07 - New page on Kintyre - Machrihanish shelduck and common seals, and Jura sunset from Kintyre

31/1/07 - New page on Caerlaverock SWT Reserve, and Species List and Services and Prices pages updated

30/1/07 - Talks programme for 2007 updated

18/1/07 - Services and Prices page updated with more information.

4/1/07 - Tree sparrows, house sparrows and yellowhammer at Farmland Bird Winter Feeding Project at Millichen added to Glasgow page.

3/1/07 - Red Throated Diver close up, Capercaillie female and Capercaillie next added to CEP page.

1/1/07 - Golden Eagle chicks, Great Skua chicks and Arctic Skua chick added to CEP page.

31/12/06 - Swifts moved from Cumbrae page to a page of their own, and a male Shelduck added to the Sanda page.

28/12/06 - My father's Storksbill, Yellow flag irises and Yellow Pansies (Viola curtissii) uploaded to CEP page.

27/12/06 - My father's Fulmar and Snipe's nest uploaded to CEP page.

24/12/06 - 6 of my father's black and white pictures of bitterns at the nest, and a golden eagle at its nest uploaded to CEP page

23/12/06 - 17 more pictures from 2006 added to Sanda page - Eider Ducks and brood, wheatear, rock pipit, linnet, stonecrop, peregrine falcon, shelduck.

21/12/06 - mountain hare thumbnails increased in scale; snipe and jack snipe put on Glasgow page

19/12/06 - many links to existing pages put on species and topics list.

17/12/06 - Arctic Terns and Rabbit added to Isle of May page

11/12/06 - new Oban page added with Castle Stalker and Loch Feochan - lichens and highland cattle

9/12/06 - Glen Doll page updated from 2 images to 12.

2/12/06 - new Turnberry page started, with gannet diving above Ailsa Craig, and a flock of mergansers flying through a sunset in front of Kintyre, and Glen Doll page started, with mountain hare on Great Dreish.

30/11/06 - new pages on Ailsa Craig, Arran and Largs and new page of scanned photos by my father. Also a new stylesheet for the index page, and links from the species list to large thumbnails. New talks dates on talks page.

17/11/06 - new cute furry animals page with red squirrel, fox and mountain hare, and some additions to the species list, and news of the next photoscot/SWT photography walk

23/10/06 - Report and pictures from the first photography walk

16/10/06 - Image and hotspot tags now working in Firefox as well as in Internet Explorer.

15/10/06 - Large images linked to almost all Falls of Clyde page thumbnails.

10/10/06 - New peregrine falcon images on the Falls of Clyde page.

13/9/06 - On the Falls of Clyde page there are some new images and larger images have been linked to most of the thumbnails. Click the thumbnails for larger images.

25/7/06 - More swifts, a swallow and house martins in flight added to Cumbrae page

18/7/06 - this new updates page
Swifts in flight added to Cumbrae page;
Canoeists on the Eileans and Marine Biological Satation from the sea and research boat Aora added to Millport page.

14/7/06 Hunterston Nuclear power Station and wind farm, Isle of May puffins, Argaty Red Kites - kites and buzzard, and additions to the Great Cumbrae page, the Clyde Pelagic Cruises page, the walks and talks pages and 3 new pages on services and prices , about and technical details of pictures.

March 2006 - site started