Birds Gallery Index - a classified index of (mostly common) Scottish birds:
This list is not comprehensive - it is a simple aid to searching for some of what is actually on the website. You can still search for anything else using the search box at the foot of any page.
Click a picture to search for a type of bird
Water Fowl gallery e.g. swans, ducks and geese
Game Birds gallery e.g. grouse, partridges and pheasants
Passerines gallery Perching birds - e.g. warblers, tits,finches, buntings, pigeons, sparrows, crows hirundines, chats and pipits
Water Birds gallery e.g. grebes, rails, divers
Birds of Prey and Owls gallery e.g. hawks, falcons, eagles, owls
Seabirds gallery e.g. gulls, terns, auks, petrels, divers, shearwaters