Plants Gallery - a classified index of (mostly common) Scottish Plants:
This page has links to several dozen pages of plant families which have been created by Melissa Shaw.
This list is not comprehensive - it is a simple aid to searching for some of what is actually on the website.
Although Fungi and Lichens are strictly speaking not plants, they will be included here when the links have been created.
You can still search for anything else using the search box at the foot of any page.
Click through any of these pictures to find another sub-gallery for that group.
You can then click to search for individual species.
Adoxaceae gallery e.g. Moschatel
Amaranthaceae gallery e.g. Orache, Saltwort or Goosefoot
Amaryllidaceae gallery e.g. Garlic, Leek, Daffodil, Dog's Mercury and Snowdrop
Apiaceae gallery e.g. Carrot family, Hogweed
Araceae gallery e.g. Arum family, Skunk cabbage, Lords and Ladies
Araliaceae gallery e.g. Ivy family
Asparagaceae gallery e.g. Bluebell family, including Spring Squill
Asphodelaceae gallery e.g. Red Hot Poker
Asteraceae gallery e.g. Daisy family, including Thistles, Ragwort, Knapweed, Sow Thistle and Hawkweed
Balsaminaceae gallery e.g. Balsam family
Berberidaceae gallery e.g. Berberis or Barberry family
Boraginaceae gallery e.g. Borage family, e.g. Forget-me-not, Comfrey, Viper's Bugloss
Brassicaceae gallery e.g. Scurvy Grass, Mustard
Campanulaceae gallery Bellflower family e.g. Harebell
Caprifoliaceae gallery e.g. Honeysuckle
Caryophyllaceae gallery e.g. Campion, Mouse-ear, Stitchwort, Sea Pink, Chickweed
Celastraceae gallery Bittersweet family e.g. Grass of Parnassus
Cistaceae gallery e.g. Rock Rose
Convolvulaceae gallery Bindweed family e.g. Convolvulus
Cornaceae gallery e.g. Dogwood
Crassulaceae gallery e.g. Stonecrop, Orpine and Roseroot
Cyperaceae gallery Sedges e.g. Cotton Grass
Dipsicaceae gallery e.g. Scabious and Teazel
Droseraceae gallery e.g. Sundew family
Elaeagnaceae gallery e.g. Sea Buckthorn
Ericaceae gallery e.g. Heathers and Berries
Euphorbiaceae gallery e.g. Dog's Mercury
Fabaceae gallery e.g. Pea, Vetch, Broom, Gorse, Trefoil
Gentianaceae gallery e.g. Field Gentian, Common Centaury
Geraniaceae gallery e.g. Geraniums and Cranesbills
Hydrangeaceae gallery e.g. Climbing Hydrangea
Hypericaceae gallery e.g. St John's Wort
Iridaceae gallery e.g. Iris and Crocus
Juncaceae gallery e.g. Rushes
Juncaginaceae gallery e.g. Arrowgrass
Lamiaceae gallery e.g. Mint, Dead Nettles and Herbs
Lentibulariaceae gallery Bladderwort family, e.g. Butterwort
Liliaceae gallery e.g. Lilies
Linaceae gallery e.g. Fairy Flax
Lythraceae gallery e.g. Loosestrife
Menyanthaceae gallery e.g. Bog Bean
Montiaceae gallery e.g. Pink Purslane and Spring Beauty
Myricaceae gallery e.g. Myrtle
Nartheciaceae gallery e.g. Bog Asphodel
Nymphaceae gallery e.g. Water Lilies
Onagraceae gallery e.g. Willow Herb
Orchidaceae gallery e.g. Orchids
Orobanchaceae gallery Lousewort and Broomrape family e.g. Bartsia, Cow-wheat, Toothwort, Yellow Rattle
Oxalidaceae gallery e.g. Wood sorrel
Papaveraceae gallery e.g. Poppies
Phyrmaceae gallery e.g. Monkeyflower
Plantaginaceae gallery e.g. Plantains
Poaceae gallery e.g. Grasses
Polemoniaceae gallery e.g. Jacob's Ladder
Polygalaceae gallery e.g. Milkwort
Polygonaceae gallery e.g. Docks, Knotweeds, Sorrels
Primulaceae gallery e.g. Primrose, Scottish Primrose, Milkwort, Cowslip, Wintergreen
Ranunculaceae gallery e.g. Garlic, Leek, Daffodil, Dog's Mercury and Snowdrop
Resedaceae gallery e.g. Weld
Rosaceae gallery Rose family e.g. Cinquefoil (Silverweed, Tormentil), Lady's mantle
rubiaceae gallery e.g. Bedstraws
Saxifragaceae gallery e.g. Saxifrages and Golden Saxifrages
Scrophulariaceae gallery e.g. Figwort, Toadflax, Foxglove and Buddleia
Solanaceae gallery e.g. Nightshades, Tomatoes and Potatoes