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Town Hall Clock or Moschatel, Cartland Craigs
Town Hall Clock or Moschatel (Adoxa moschatellina), Cartland Craigs National Nature Reserve, South Lanarkshire. It is a native perennial, carpet-forming plant up to 15cm tall. Flowering stems are erect, with 2 opposite leaves. Leaves are arranged in threes and long-stalked. It is often found in damp, shaded woodland, banks of rivers and streams and shaded hedge banks. It flowers in spring.
23 April 2017
Town hall clock or Moschatel
South Lanarkshire - Falls of Clyde plants
Town hall clock or Moschatel (Adoxa moschatellina), Falls of Clyde.
The four flowers forming the side of the plant each have five petals while the flower on top has four. The stamen and styles of each flower match the petal count.
24 April 2016
Town hall clock or Moschatel
South Lanarkshire - Falls of Clyde plants
Town hall clock or Moschatel (Adoxa moschatellina), Falls of Clyde. The common name for this flower 'Town Hall Clock' refers to the appearance of its flowers which face out at 90 degrees from each other, similar to a town hall clock.