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Dawsholm Park trees, viewpoint and rhododendron clearing
Glasgow - Kelvin Walkway, Forth and Clyde Canal, Dawsholm and Garscube
Dawsholm Park - a viewpoint constructed to look out over the River Kelvin. Clearing to remove the alien species Rhododendron ponticum, and encourage native woodland regeneration has been organised by the Woodlands group of Land and Environmental Services on Glasgow City Council.
14 January 2011
Dawsholm Park trees, fallen tree trunks and rhododendron clearing
Glasgow - Kelvin Walkway, Forth and Clyde Canal, Dawsholm and Garscube
Dawsholm Park - clearing to remove the alien species Rhododendron ponticum, plant trees and encourage native woodland regeneration. Tree trunks have been left where they fell, to encourage biodiversity.This has been organised by the Woodlands group of Land and Environmental Services on Glasgow City Council.
14 January 2011
Dawsholm Park tree trunks and rhododendron clearing
Glasgow - Kelvin Walkway, Forth and Clyde Canal, Dawsholm and Garscube
Dawsholm Park - clearing to remove the alien species Rhododendron ponticum, and encourage native woodland regeneration. Rotten tree trunks have been left to encourage woodpeckers to nest. This has been organised by the Woodlands group of Land and Environmental Services on Glasgow City Council.
14 January 2011
Rhododendron Blight, Geilsland Estate
Rhododendron Blight (Sefertia azaleae), an ascomycete fungus that infects rhododendron and azealias. Taken at Geilsland Estate, North Ayrshire.
21 April 2024
Removing Rhododendron ponticum, Dun Dubh Wood, Stirlingshire
Stirlingshire - Aberfoyle
A Butterfly Conservation Scotland work party removing invasive non-native Rhododendron ponticum at Dun Dubh Wood, Stirlingshire, to enhance the environment for butterflies and moths. The scene here shows how dense and high the understory of Rhododendron is, so that the volunteers almost disappear into the bushes!
24 October 2021
Dragging Rhododendron ponticum to a bonfire, Dun Dubh Wood, Stirlingshire
Stirlingshire - Aberfoyle
A Butterfly Conservation Scotland work party removing invasive non-native Rhododendron ponticum at Dun Dubh Wood, Stirlingshire, to enhance the environment for butterflies and moths.
24 October 2021
Dragging Rhododendron ponticum to a bonfire, Dun Dubh Wood, Stirlingshire
Stirlingshire - Aberfoyle
A Butterfly Conservation Scotland work party removing invasive non-native Rhododendron ponticum at Dun Dubh Wood, Stirlingshire, to enhance the environment for butterflies and moths.
24 October 2021
Tending a bonfire of Rhododendron ponticum, Dun Dubh Wood, Stirlingshire
Stirlingshire - Aberfoyle
A Butterfly Conservation Scotland work party removing invasive non-native Rhododendron ponticum at Dun Dubh Wood, Stirlingshire, to enhance the environment for butterflies and moths. Here, conservation volunteer is tending a bonfire by blowing air into it to combat the wet conditions.
24 October 2021
Tending a bonfire of Rhododendron ponticum, Dun Dubh Wood, Stirlingshire
Stirlingshire - Aberfoyle
A Butterfly Conservation Scotland work party removing invasive non-native Rhododendron ponticum at Dun Dubh Wood, Stirlingshire, to enhance the environment for butterflies and moths. Here, conservation volunteer is tending a bonfire.
24 October 2021
Cutting Rhododendron ponticum, Dun Dubh Wood, Stirlingshire
Stirlingshire - Aberfoyle
A Butterfly Conservation Scotland work party removing invasive non-native Rhododendron ponticum at Dun Dubh Wood, Stirlingshire, to enhance the environment for butterflies and moths.