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Stac Pollaidh and midges in evening light
Ullapool, Coigach and Inverpolly
Stac Pollaidh (Stac Polly) in evening light from Loch Cùl Dromannan. A cloud of midges (Culicoides impunctatus) is highlighted by the sunset. The females midges suck human blood, but mostly that of cattle, sheep and deer.
19 June 2012
During Bracken pulling at RSPB Inversnaid
Loch Lomond - Inversnaid
RSPB warden Fraser Lamont pulling Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) at RSPB Inversnaid on Loch Lomond, in order to open up the ground to encourage regeneration of the native deciduous woodland. This is preferable to using weedkiller in an area of importance for nature conservation. Bracken will regrow, and will be pulled again the following year. By the third pulling, as much reduction of the Bracken will have occurred as if weedkiller had been used, and the environment will not have been polluted. This picture showns the process of Bracken pulling in action. Midge head nets are a necessity for this activity. You can see midges against Fraser's jacket!
10 June 2016
SWT members on a Beaver watch evening
North Knapdale
SWT Glasgow and Clyde members with midge head nets on a Beaver watch evening in Knapdale
02 June 2011
Beaver watching one evening
North Knapdale
People camped out comfortably on a rug, and wearing midge head nets while Beaver watching one evening at the Dubh Loch, Knapdale