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Conference excursion to the Ythan - in the sand dunes
Aberdeenshire - Ythan estuary
Scottish Birdwatchers' Conference 2014 Sunday excursion to the Ythan - some members walking through the dunes of the Sands of Forvie.
23 March 2014
Conference excursion to the Ythan - group and Sands of Forvie
Aberdeenshire - Ythan estuary
Scottish Birdwatchers' Conference 2014 Sunday excursion to the Ythan walking past and dwarfed by the Sands of Forvie.
23 March 2014
Conference excursion to the Ythan - group and Sands of Forvie
Aberdeenshire - Ythan estuary
Scottish Birdwatchers' Conference 2014 Sunday excursion to the Ythan walking past and dwarfed by the Sands of Forvie.
23 March 2014
Conference excursion to the Ythan - group studying Eiders
Aberdeenshire - Ythan estuary
Scottish Birdwatchers' Conference 2014 Sunday excursion to the Ythan studying the Eider Ducks (Somateria mollissima).
23 March 2014
Conference excursion to the Ythan - group studying Grey seals
Aberdeenshire - Ythan estuary
Scottish Birdwatchers' Conference 2014 Sunday excursion to the Ythan studying the Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus).
23 March 2014
Eider Ducks, Ythan
Aberdeenshire - Ythan estuary
Eider Ducks (Somateria mollissima) swimming in Ythan
24 January 2016
Sanderling flock running along
Aberdeenshire - Ythan estuary
Sanderling (Calidris alba) flock running along between brief episodes of feeding on the Ythan estuary, Newburgh, Aberdeenshire. They characteristically run along together, then stop and feed together, each action for only a few seconds, and give the impression of being constantly on the move.
23 March 2014
Sanderling flock feeding
Aberdeenshire - Ythan estuary
Sanderling (Calidris alba) flock feeding on the Ythan estuary, Newburgh, Aberdeenshire. They characteristically run along together, then stop and feed together, each action for only a few seconds, and give the impression of being constantly on the move.
23 March 2014
Sanderling flock landing
Aberdeenshire - Ythan estuary
Sanderling (Calidris alba) flock landing on the Ythan estuary, Newburgh, Aberdeenshire. One is colour-ringed, showing a blue and white ring on the left leg and a yellow ring on the right leg.
23 March 2014
Sanderling flock landing
Aberdeenshire - Ythan estuary
Sanderling (Calidris alba) flock landing on the Ythan estuary, Newburgh, Aberdeenshire. One is colour-ringed, showing a blue and white ring on the left leg and a yellow ring on the right leg.You can see how small they are in relation to the larger Oyster catcher.