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Male Hen harrier sky dancing
Dumfriesshire - Langholm Moor
Male Hen harrier (Circus cyaneus) sky dancing display flight, Langholm Moor. He flips over to be upside down at the top of the display, showing his white underside instead of the usual grey back.
The display takes place mainly as the pair form or renew their pair bond in March to May. Later on in the season, most of the male's energy is taken up not in display but with hunting to provide for the female (or more than one!) and the rapidly growing youngsters.
This image was created by combining many shots taken in rapid succession to form a composite image, which gives an impression of the sky dancing display.
19 April 2014
Male Hen harrier sky dancing
Dumfriesshire - Langholm Moor
Male Hen harrier (Circus cyaneus) sky dancing display flight, Langholm Moor. He flips over to be upside down at the top of the display, showing his white underside instead of the usual grey back.
The display takes place mainly as the pair form or renew their pair bond in March to May. Later on in the season, most of the male's energy is taken up not in display but with hunting to provide for the female (or more than one!) and the rapidly growing youngsters.
This image was created by combining many shots taken in rapid succession to form a composite image, which gives an impression of the sky dancing display. It is cropped from the full display shot to show where the male flips over at the top of the display.
19 April 2014
Common Snipe drumming display flight
Orkney - Deerness and Tankerness
Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) making a drumming sound with the outermost tail feathers during its territorial display flight. This was taken on the Mull Head Local Nature Reserve, Deerness, Orkney mainland.
07 July 2019
Lapwing display flight, Coll
Coll Southwest
A pair of Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) doing their display flight at Totronald RSPB reserve, Coll. Lapwings have suffered significant declines in many places but appear to be doing well on Coll.
25 April 2014
Meadow Pipit song flight
Dumfriesshire - Langholm Moor
Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis) song flight, Langholm Moor. The bird repeatedly flies upwards at a steep angle, then parachutes down towards the ground, singing.
20 April 2014
Buzzards displaying
Dumfriesshire - Langholm Moor
Two Common buzzards (Buteo buteo) displaying over Langholm Moor.
29 March 2014
Buzzards displaying
Dumfriesshire - Langholm Moor
Two Common buzzards (Buteo buteo) displaying over Langholm Moor.
29 March 2014
Snipe drumming
Shetland - Fetlar
Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) drumming in flight over the Mires of Funzie RSPB Nature Reserve, Fetlar. Drumming makes a characteristic sound using the tail feathers and is part of the Snipe's display flight.
16 July 2013
Great Crested Grebe aggression
West Lothian - Linlithgow Loch Great crested grebes
Great Crested Grebes (Podiceps cristatus) being aggressive
28 February 2013
Great Crested Grebe weed dance
West Lothian - Linlithgow Loch Great crested grebes
Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus) pair doing the head shaking display before the weed dance, which is the climax of their courting behaviour prior to mating.