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Conservation volunteer with tree guard, Flanders Moss
Stirlingshire - Flanders Moss
A conservation volunteer finishing construction of a tree guard created from coppiced Alder at the Flanders Moss car park, taken by Polly Phillpot.
20 October 2021
Constructing a tree stump guard around a coppiced Alder, Flanders Moss
Stirlingshire - Flanders Moss
Constructing a tree stump guard to prevent deer grazing the Alder shoots which should emerge from the coppiced Alder trees round the car park at Flanders Moss National Nature Reserve.
20 October 2021
Constructing tree stump guards around coppiced Alder, Flanders Moss
Stirlingshire - Flanders Moss
Constructing tree stump guards to prevent deer grazing the Alder shoots which should emerge from the coppiced Alder trees round the car park at Flanders Moss National Nature Reserve.
20 October 2021
Constructing tree stump guards around coppiced Alder, Flanders Moss
Stirlingshire - Flanders Moss
Constructing tree stump guards to prevent deer grazing the Alder shoots which should emerge from the coppiced Alder trees round the car park at Flanders Moss National Nature Reserve.
20 October 2021
Coppiced deciduous woodland, RSPB Loch Lomond
Loch Lomond - RSPB Loch Lomond
Coppiced deciduous woodland, RSPB Loch Lomond. Trees are coppiced to stimulate regrowth from the base to provide thin stems for wood products. Coppicing in different sections of woodland in different years also benefits biodiversity by creating diverse habitats with trees at different stages of growth.